hi i have the problem now that when its warm the truck stutters and sort of missus when taking off ,it had the same problem before i had it serviced and its still there now ,i did post a thread earlier asking if diesel injector cleaner worked but have not tried it yet .i,m suspecting a dirty injector but wanted to ask if anyone else might know or had a similar problem ,it has done 325000 kms so is getting on thanks
Apr 8, 5:31pm
what is the engine number. as some are poo engines and others shoudl be tuff . also Do You use a Diesel additive in your fuel to prevent fuel pump leaking and damage to components . if you dont it is only a matter of time till every last diesel will have problems with injection of diesel.Japaneseyou would want to run winns -edt in the fuel prevents damage to pump and suposedly prevents seal shrinkage as well.
Apr 8, 5:39pm
There is no sutch thing as dirty injectors its only worn out ones and on new Diesel you dont want to let injectors get worn out or you can rebuild your engine with holes in piston worn out boors when the injector sprays on the wall of the cilinder braking the oil film of the boor. That is for all direct injected diesel a problem. Any commonrail is direct injected some older ones are also like iveco 1988 small truck engines and tdi landrover and volkswagen tdi diesel are all Direct injectors. Japanese where behind there for 10 years and more .
Apr 8, 5:42pm
now back to your problem if it is a injector it would cough when you cold start it some black gray smoke clouds from overfueling on a dripping injector . that is what the indirect injected diesel show as symptom for dripping injectors. We do need to know the engine number carjam.co.nz will tell you with your numberplate.
Apr 8, 6:07pm
Intrade 3.1 will be the 4JG2TC, so you can rule out the horrendous 4JX1 (3.0TDI) problems. I guarantee ???mechanic in a can??
Apr 8, 6:15pm
carjam says engine number unknown ,however looking at the tag its says engine is a rjc if that helps ,it does not smoke or run ruff when starting from cold ,it runs very well other than taking off from a stop for a couple of seconds ,when i went for my warrent the mechanic who has 40 odd years experience said are you sure the old owner ie my sister didn,t reco the motor because this engine does not fume and all the ones he has seen had a leaking back seal on the motor ,they owned it since 185000.she has done regular services and has spent quite a few thousand on it over the years
Apr 8, 6:26pm
is this a manual transmission !
Apr 8, 6:30pm
no its a auto ,its a a 97 xs plasir
Apr 8, 6:32pm
i was hoping it was some sort of a sensor that tells it something ,but alas it could be anything
Apr 8, 6:34pm
be hard to know what it is like that but i would see where to get winns -edt cheap i run chemtech on my euro diesels . Has the EGR been deleted! if not you probably want to see if it is faulty as they do run egr in idle and that could have something to do with it running rough when you take off and bring it out of idle.(egr)=exhaust-gas -recirculation)
Apr 8, 6:43pm
thanks intradei will pick up some wynns edt what does the edt stand for ,and where on the engine do i find this egrplease
Apr 8, 6:44pm
another one that makes some diesle run rough in idle is when a vaccume hose is broken. or off somwhere
Apr 8, 6:47pm
Egr is a pipe from exhaust manifold back to the intake usually controlled with vaccume valves to open and shut them. i find a Egr delet kit . all egr work the same and always go from muffler to intake.
hi just had a look and yes i have the two egrvalves is there a way of testing them
Apr 8, 7:01pm
well you would have to remove them and use a vaccume pump to see if they operate correct open close or it could be stuck openyou can also disconnect the vaccume hoses and block them with a screw and some tape to seal the screw thread inside the hose and see if the problem is gone while it is disconected or if it is worse like that.
Apr 8, 8:00pm
those two hoses go to a sort of junction box and they seem ok but at there is a hose that is only half an inch long that is open at the end and goes nowhere ,can,t see where it goes or is meant to be like that ,forgot to mention that the last service they did not change the airfilter so i had a look at it and it seems ok but guess it would not hurt to change it
Apr 8, 8:04pm
I haven't read the rest of the thread, but what I would do is: 1) Disconnect and block off EGR valves, if not done already. 2) Check and adjust valve clearances. 3) Replace the fuel filter, or drain its water trap if it was done recently.
See how you go.
Apr 8, 8:25pm
can,t see a water trap but the fuel filter was replaced
Apr 8, 9:39pm
It's directly under the filter. There's a small plastic tap that you unscrew and pump the plunger a few times.
Apr 9, 9:46pm
today i bought a new airfilter ,, unfortunately it made little difference,i checked the egr valves are opening when engine runs and closes when off however one seems visibly it opens less than the other ,i have noted theres a round green vac valve that has a cutinto it from a wire thatsbeen rubbing on it and is possibly leaking air so will try to seal it and if that fails i will be blocking off the hoses that run into the egr valves ,hopefullyit works
Apr 9, 10:49pm
egr should shut when there is no vaccume on the valve
Apr 9, 11:30pm
ok i hope i have done this correct ,i have pulled off the two hoses and have blocked them off with some tight fitting fine threaded screws and taken it for a short drive and its good so far ,my question is do i have to block the two pipes on the egr valves or will they be fine as they are with no vacuum going to them as they are in closed position thanks
Apr 9, 11:32pm
You can leave them as they are, but it's best to remove them fully, and blank off the intake manifold and exhaust ports with some flat pieces of steel and gaskets.
Apr 10, 12:17am
you should remove the whole intake and clean it out while removed and also clean the intake port on head while you got it off . befor you refit it with new seal , you can get the holes where the egr valves are welded shut by professional welders and the exhaust you have to see what you do there. cheap option is to cut the pipe flatten it and bend it over and weld its squashed seem shut with mig welder and battery disconnected. You can also make blanking plates like i posted above in pictures.
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