Well i went into a testing station yesterday and they said they only do half the number of wofs now compared with 12 months ago. They did give me a reason for it,but i was just wondering if they werent doing as many,where they were getting done.
Jul 26, 9:17pm
They just aren't getting done heaps of cars getting around no reg no warrant
Jul 26, 9:20pm
I see. What percentage would be on the road without wof and reg !
Jul 26, 10:13pm
was it VTNZ you went to! maybe people are realizing they suck so go elsewhere
Jul 27, 1:41am
Would you mind stating the reason they gave as to why they think the volume of people submitting their vehicles for inspection has decreased!
Jul 27, 1:49am
one possibility is : as the years go by and newer cars replace older cars on our roads, newer cars only require wofs yearly for the first five years,
Jul 27, 2:07am
It goes in a 6 monthly cycle - most WoF's are in summer.dec, jan, feb. 6 months later they come around again, june, july, aug, giving a good boost to the winter doldrums. All normal in the real world.
Jul 27, 10:52pm
franc,i wont give that reason out on here,but i know the figures above are a fact. Im guessing they have lost 40% of their car customers,i was wondering where they are going now ! AA !
Jul 28, 12:01am
Given the level of competition in the market, something to do with pricing at a guess.
Jul 28, 12:05am
The average age of vehicles is getting older, not newer.
Jul 28, 12:07am
LOL.i have never enjoyed going for a wof at a testing station.they are inconsistent, and seem to have flavours of the month that they get all pedantic over.
Jul 28, 12:33am
How long do you have to wait for your wof check at your local VTNZ !
Jul 28, 2:39am
Agreed, every month they have a new thing to nit pick.
Jul 28, 3:03am
45 mins to get to the front of the queue!
Jul 28, 4:32am
Took the work van to vtnz for a wof and got charged $55, I'd say thats the main reason there.
Jul 28, 4:44am
yep as above
Jul 28, 4:46am
And that is what is annoying people these days. It wasn't that long ago that a wof check took one guy 15 minutes start to finish and cost under $10. If you're a careful owner and fixed or replaced things as part of complete and regular servicing and passed every time for many years you could go through several hundred dollars worth of checks for nothing. Not to mention time wasted in queues.
Jul 28, 8:03pm
WOF checks should be annual every 6 months is just a waste of my time and money.
Jul 28, 8:41pm
Part of the reason they are quietening down may be because of all the cheap WoF deals being offered now. There are always adverts and vouchers floating around for $25 - $35 WoF and people would rather pay that than $52 that VTNZ charge.
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