We just filled our car up, took it in for a wof and service and they said it will cost $3500.00 to fix it up!Think we'll get rid of the car , but it has $130 of petrol in it.!
Jul 20, 9:32pm
get a big deep tray, jack up car and put on stands. buy a gizmo. crawl under car and wack fuel tank with gizmo. allow fuel to drain into tray already under tank.easy
the gizmo is an ice pick.
Jul 20, 9:33pm
Simple. Whatever the price is you want for the car, just add $130 on top of that price when selling it.
Jul 20, 9:35pm
The gizmo thing sounds fun
Jul 20, 9:35pm
But 6 months ago it got a WOF, go figure huh. Some tanks you cannot get a hose into them so just push on the hose down the filler port and twist it at the same time, may work or use a bucket and drain it out of the bung in the tank or take the tank out. PS; Before doing any of these tasks, make sure you put yur smoke out yea.
Jul 20, 9:51pm
.and keep a couple of fire extinguishers handy!Don't do it inside a garage attached to the house either, unless it belongs to your mother-in-law.
If an electric fuel pump, run a pipe from the pump outlet into a fuel container and switch on!With $130 worth of gas, that is about 65 litres.That is a lot of gas to store and if unleaded and not used within a few weeks, it will age quickly.
Go do some doughnuts and get some fun out if it.
Jul 20, 10:07pm
What knid of car! What did it fail o!. First of all I would be taking it to another W.O.F. place if its not somewhere you usualy go.
Jul 21, 5:56am
I'd sure as hell want to know what exactly is wrong with it before going any further, are these WOF or mechanical issues or both!
Jul 21, 6:39am
jeeeeesus! 3500 to repair! wow. just wow.
Jul 21, 7:25am
hose in tank suck till you taste fuel and watch it flow while you pass out.
Jul 21, 4:19pm
You cant put a hose down the filler neck of anything built after aboit 1990. Even if you are lucky enough to get the hose in there, there is an anti splash-back flap at the bottom of the tube which will prevent you getting the hose out again.
Before you do anything, take your car to another WOF outfit for a second opinion.
Jul 21, 4:29pm
And if you do it wrong you can burp petrol fumes for hours after, a really special feeling.
Jul 21, 4:32pm
LOL yea done the 1st, avoided the 2nd
Jul 21, 4:32pm
what happens if the ice pick creates a spark as the pointy end penetrates said fuel tank bill !
Jul 21, 4:33pm
Mmmm you too huh ;-(
Jul 21, 4:34pm
You get a lower price for your car AND some decent entertainment while you wait for the new owner to arrive
Jul 21, 4:35pm
The liquid petrol will not burn, no problem.
Jul 21, 11:54pm
amateurs !
Jul 22, 12:34am
find the return line on the engine, take it ofput another hose on it leading to a container then start he car and wok away
Jul 22, 12:39am
Well you live and learn I did not know
old days garden hose suck until petrol was close to mouth drop end into a container no longer works
Cordless drill I guess
Jul 22, 1:05am
HEY. we all had to learn new tricks as teenagers stuck out the back of the wop wops with no gas/ car load of "mates"/ chicks/ assorted booze& several "friendly" farmers nearby
Jul 22, 1:08am
Progressed to building my own portable tank drain system, complete with high volume electric pump & under car catch tanks & line siphon system
Jul 22, 2:44am
As I have, A facet solid state pump with short inlet pipe and long outlet. Power from an accessory plug in the lighter socket wth a hold on switch so it cannot be left running on its own
Jul 22, 3:30am
nothing. You can even weld a full petrol tank.
Jul 22, 3:38am
Be nice to know.Who quoted the repair price!Sounds like a scam or windup to me.
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