What's with Holden Drivers?

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boardrider, Jul 21, 7:18pm
Driving back from Geraldine yesterday back to CHC and this twat in a VR commodore didn't like being passed down the passing lane. Pretty much tail gated me all the way to Christchurch.

Obviously didn't like being passed by a VW Passat Tdi.

outbidyou2, Jul 21, 7:43pm
Funny, I passed a tdi passat in my subaru turbo, he tailgated me for over 100kms, poor bugger tried so hard on the passing lanes but just got smoked.

boardrider, Jul 21, 7:51pm
Well it wasn't me

boardrider, Jul 21, 7:53pm
I bought my Tdi for 50mpg ,

johnf_456, Jul 21, 7:55pm
It worse up here, doing the speed limit gets you tailgated up here in Auckland.

likit, Jul 21, 7:56pm
Thats piss poor,my old Datsun 120Y I had in the early 80's could do that,not much progress in 35 years.

vtecintegra, Jul 21, 7:57pm
Yeah I really doubt that.

boardrider, Jul 21, 8:00pm
Datsun 120Y, with a motor that originated from an A series Austin with say 50 hp - 60 hp

I doubt that very much.

patiki1, Jul 21, 8:20pm
There's always two sides to a story

thunderbolt, Jul 21, 8:45pm
We tailgate to remind you of your obligation to keep left Johnny.

Plus we save fuel, our little bit to help the planet.

bellky, Jul 21, 8:48pm
Yep the other side to the story is the Commy driver has a chip on his shoulder and took exception to being overtaken by a Passat. The Commy driver was thinking 'who the h3ll do you think you are Passat driver, can't you see I'm in a 'Holden', don't you realise who I am'.

gmphil, Jul 21, 8:50pm
God sake get rid one and another one comes along

bellky, Jul 21, 8:51pm
Do you find people get annoyed with you! I get annoyed with people who tailgate - many is the time when I've been hung over and some jerk gets up my tailgate, it gets me shaking and white in the face; ever heard of road rage!

outbidyou2, Jul 21, 8:53pm
you need to relax and calm down bellky bubs

bellky, Jul 21, 8:55pm
Don't call me that thanks.

thunderbolt, Jul 21, 8:57pm
Watching the dopey rotary owner burst a vein rather than just moving to the left lane is just an added bonus Belky.
Added points if they make threatening gestures and mouth off to themselves.

bellky, Jul 21, 9:00pm
I'd be in an XR8 and I drive like a maniac when angry.

thunderbolt, Jul 21, 9:05pm
Great, then I won't need to tailgate you.
I wouldn't tailgate a wankel anyway, the barp barp noise gives me the squirts.

cybertao, Jul 21, 9:08pm
When someone tail-gates me, I drop ten or more percent off the set speed limit and stick to it.
Lowering the speed makes their chosen following distance safer and provides more opportunities for them to safely pass.If there are no passing opportunities and they are stuck behind me then it's also the easiest and most satisfying way of pissing them off.

bellky, Jul 21, 9:08pm
You can angry face all you like thunderbolt.

Just remember, you might tailgate the wrong person one day, and you will be getting into an argument that you will not win.

ontwowheels, Jul 21, 9:09pm
Boardrider - So why is it that his driving is because of the car he owns. If it was the same driver doing exactly the same thing behind the wheel of a volvo, would your title say whats with volvo drivers!
Or do you just have a thing against holdens!

bellky, Jul 21, 9:09pm
That's what I do too - unless they want to get funny.

thunderbolt, Jul 21, 9:16pm
Point taken, I should just stay home and bait people from the safety of my keyboard. Much safer.

Funny this about this topic is that I would most likely be considered arrogant behind the wheel, but I make sure I keep left whenever I can to let those who want to go faster get past.

outbidyou2, Jul 21, 9:24pm
crack up, sorry. You and Johnboy sound so a like these days

bellky, Jul 21, 9:24pm
I pull left and slow down too to let those who want to go faster past. The driver behind can make his decision to overtake and get on with it, or drop back and get off my tailgate.

If the driver wants to continue to sit on my tailgate after the opportunity has been given to do as above; then I get angry. I'm not a tough guy but I don't stand any cr@p, I don't have kids, and if I'm in the car by myself I have very little to lose, if you know what I mean.