good answer, John. a sense of humour always an asset . & the best way forward.!
Jul 21, 9:34pm
Except today it would appear, Johnny showed a funny side and Belky just proved he drives in the same pair of Superman pajamas that he posts in.
Jul 21, 9:43pm
Yeah well I know what would happen.
Jul 21, 9:50pm
Let me rephrase, anyone who displays their ego being hurt by being arsey just because they got passed.
Jul 21, 9:53pm
Holden driver here and I really dont get passed on the open road so not much of an issue. When I do, they have to be going way over the speed limit so the aggression/stupidity is really on their part. The worst offenders IMO are the younger males in ricers/Jappers with big fart cannons at the back.
Jul 21, 10:27pm
my brother is a Holden driver and he LOVES it when he gets pasted esp on the open road cause that gives him the chance to chase them with all his red and blue lights flashing ( he drives a plain police car if you hadnt worked it out) gets at least 2 per day
Jul 21, 10:43pm
and fari enough- I dont blame you for being pissed. But hate when cars get stereotyped due to a few idiot drivers that happen to own them. Just as many Moms driving around in commodores as there are young idiots. (and old idiots for that matter)
Jul 21, 10:46pm
haha, who cant spot an undercover cop when sitting behind them. so many 'tells'. I hope he isn't one of the many cops who gives out tickets for speeds in the VERY low 100's (ie 105, 111) to people using passing lanes to pass slower vehicles which they have been stuck behind for ages.
Jul 21, 10:57pm
Cop cars (undercover) are easy to spot. Lowered, steel rims (often), wide tyres, too many aerials, dirty from brake dust, clean cut egg driving.
Jul 21, 11:32pm
Apart from the aerials could almost be me.
Jul 22, 12:06am
lights on dashboard, behind grill and on rear parcel tray.
Jul 22, 12:07am
Yeah the police pursuit steels wheels are a give away,the demons have them on Holdens as well,mufti cops usually drive under the speed limit to incense motorists into passing,then nab them,takes a real special C##$ too do that.
Jul 22, 12:09am
Lol, flack88.
Jul 22, 12:30am
There is a type though and we all know it. Usually they drive company cars.
Jul 22, 12:31am
There was actually a study done and in some cases people tend to speed up on passing lanes because the road appear's to be wider therefore giving them the perception of being safer, and once the passing lanes are finished they slow back down. On the other hand coulda just been another fucktard in a Holden.
Jul 22, 12:37am
Actually I have struck this many times and I guarantee I am not alone - those idiots who sit on 80-90 kph then when a passing lane comes they speed up to 100 so you have no option but to go well over the speed limit to get past. Makes my blood boil that.
Jul 22, 12:38am
I hope not, muppets like you do a dis-service to all good V8 drivers out there that keep left and let those that want to pass to pass. Glad I no longer live there
Jul 22, 12:40am
jappers always have to prove themselves
Jul 22, 12:56am
Holden drivers have a large percentage of people driving them who appear to be trying to make up for something.
Jul 22, 1:01am
Perhaps he was draughting you to save fuel.
Jul 22, 1:09am
If you are going to criticise a group of drivers of dangerous behaviour by what they drive, how about these ski bunny dickheads in Imprezas and Legacys that think that 4x4 magically also improves the tyre friction coefficient with the road and makes for cornering at excessive speed in slippery conditions possible, insert Tui. Likewise those that drive these outdated and out of style bad handling suv's like 90's bighorns, pajeros, terranos, surfs and prados on the open road at excessive speeds, they ain't sports cars people!
Jul 22, 1:47am
the last person who tailgated me learned thier lesson.i moved over to let them pass but they didnt. i then booted it and they tried to keep up with me on the twisties.big mistake. my car sailed effortlessly around the tight off camber corner while they ended up in the ditch. good freakin job loser.
Jul 22, 2:55am
Erm, did you mean to say that.!
Jul 22, 2:58am
Jul 22, 2:58am
Hope you returned to the seen to assertain injury etc!
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