Injecting water into an internal combustion engine
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Jul 21, 10:25am
poste 1 it will just destroy your engine water is corosive plus it wont compress. It is true that you can gain power with water injection that is done at high output race engines, These engines are worn out after 1 day running full load so they wont rust as they are to be rebuilt again for another 8 grand after each time. If you wish a soon rebuild of your engine "Yes it works"
Jul 21, 4:30pm
Heres another probable issue. You already know about 'blow by' combustion gas's getting in to the sump & depositing carbon down the sides of the pistons/ top of bore & in to the sump oil . Right! What about any left over water molecules from the combustion process getting in to the oil along with the normal gunk from std fuels.
I would suspect that if you did the water injection to an old/ older engine, that you are going to need to change the oil & filter a lot more often for a while (at least)
Jul 21, 5:05pm
if you were running the W / Iconstantly, possibly, but W / I is really designed for high boost and WOT applications so should be of limited time value, i think oil at normal running temp should get rid of any excess water,
Jul 21, 5:17pm
Yea it's a bit like giving an old vehicle a birthday with synthetic oil . might work/ might not Best to fit WI on a fairy new/recond engine
Jul 21, 8:29pm
I recall early days ofthe big oil shockold DSIRhad a methanol car running,downside was thewater left overfromcombustionsoon ate the exaust & internalbearings of theengine .
Jul 21, 9:38pm
no, it will be the unburntmeth in the oil that does the damage. and the exhast system. people don't realize how corrosive that meth is. and to run 100% meth the engine needs quite a few mods to run well
Jul 22, 12:13am
You can do it easily.I have a 2.2 subaru. Just fitted a hydrogen, and water injection system.20 per cent more power.6.8 litres per 100 kms at 105 ks an hour .
Jul 22, 12:51am
how would you inject the water ,use a nos style set up or a second fuel rail and how would you pressurise the system
Jul 22, 1:40am
elenor, the petrol engine runs and sucks the petrol and air in. By using the vacuum the enginedevelops sucks the water in, the unit atomises the water also makes hydrogen and the vacuum takes it into the cylinders by means of injecting it into the manifold.On modern cars it will not interfere with the engines computer. In fact the computer will advance the spark. It will stop pinking,and lean the mixture to suit.
Jul 22, 2:06am
I read somwhere that if you inject water before the turbo and it isnt properley atomised before it reaches the intake turbine spinning at @30,000 rpm then it tends to have a cutting effect on the intake turbine blades and buggers them! Apparently it needs to go in as a very fine mist or steam, or put it after the turbo!Also adding nickel to the equation such as chrome the head, will help turn the water into hydrogen / oxygen and improve the economy of the fuel! Anyone heard of this!
Jul 22, 3:20am
Some truth at least in part
Extreme high pressure water jets are used to cut steel plate & for delicate filigree work
Water has (in fact) the same property's as a solid in that it can't be compressed, it can expand but not compress
Jul 22, 3:34am
Ya go searching for what a bit of water in the diesel is doing to the direct diesel injection (or whatever they're called) injectors and pumps. $$$ to fix too these days, not just a case of screwing a new one in.
Jul 22, 3:51am
Someone should have told the WWII fighter pilots that
Jul 22, 4:04am
From the above, it looks as though my stuffed head gasket is not actually a fault, but a high tech mod!.Excellent!
Jul 22, 4:56am
The method I was reading about does not mix the water with fuel in any way so it wouldnt be going through the fuel pump or injectors, insted it would have its own heating system, pump and injector, mounted after the turbo spraying hot steam vapor into the inlet airflow. The hydrogen is split from the oxygen during the combustion process, helped by the nickel chrome (nickle is said to be a catalyst for conversion) on the cylinder sleeve and by chroming the cylinder head, and it is this hydrogen that adds to the BANG of the power stroke reducing the ammount of fuel needed, therefor making the engine more ecconomical.
Jul 22, 5:00am
AEM is overpriced. There are better kits available, from the likes of Cooling Mist and Devils Own.
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