Reverse lights not working?

dasfi, Aug 9, 4:51am
93 corona, Bulbs are ok and so are fuses, did a contunuity test on them, any other idea!

NZTools, Aug 9, 4:57am
The switch.

dasfi, Aug 9, 4:59am
switch as in! is there something below the centre consol! its auto

NZTools, Aug 9, 5:01am
Just like your brake pedal has a switch on it to operate the brake lights, either under the console or on the transmission there will be a switch to operate the reversing lights. Check that there is power going in, and power going out when you select reverse.

dasfi, Aug 9, 5:02am
Sweet as ill hava look

unbeatabull, Aug 9, 5:33am
9 times out of 10 the switch will be on the trans, but if an Auto I have seen them incorporated into the Inhibitor switch often as well.

dasfi, Aug 9, 8:55pm
Looks like there an ihhibitor on fron of trans, has selector cable on front of it and also two plugs comming off it, could this be it!

les6, Aug 10, 3:53am
check the flexable cable that goes into the bootlid!

dasfi, Aug 10, 4:45am
Tried that, numberplate lights are working

bigfatmat1, Aug 10, 5:42am
does the "R" light up on dash if so not switch. Yes its on the trans quite often servicable.

bigfatmat1, Aug 10, 5:43am
also check power at plug before boot lid no plate lights is separate wiring from reverse.