Hey all wot is legally road with for truck! Trukies how much room u need get down a drive!Am refuring to rubbish trucks ie richards comerical bin empty,neibour put note on my boys car sayn bin not emptyed remove or will be towed because car in way. now i can in have backed my boat in car trailer down there stoped in walk round and wash boat or strap ,unstraped car on transport trailer which is 2.5 meter wide
Aug 9, 4:46pm
Yep 2.5m.
I suggest you phone the boss of the Co.
Aug 9, 4:47pm
Are you allowed to park there!
Aug 9, 4:59pm
3 units im n middle ,drive way run down left building on rite ive parked up against fence actully this car is bout half meteraway as gearbox supose to be moved boy bloody lazy any way is still on my section but guess come down to not blocking him in .i just measure is 3 meters wide at mo .
Aug 9, 5:33pm
hey gmphil, i Have posted this in realestate. Hopefully they'll pop in and clear it up for you.They know all the in's and out's to these sorts of issues.
Aug 9, 5:36pm
Cant park in the driveway, the driveway access way has to be kept clear at all times.
Aug 9, 5:48pm
From a practical view I would agree but are there actually any rules about that!.If its a crosslease type situation where you have an undivided share of the driveway then maybe you can block it up.Depends how much you want to fight with the neighbour.Personally I would never buy a property with a common driveway.
Aug 9, 7:10pm
Access way must remail clear for access, regardless of the size of the driveway. Move the car.
Aug 9, 7:11pm
Yip, on the property title.
Aug 9, 8:59pm
How big is the bin ! Can't the bin be wheeled to the truck ! I wouldn't want trucks up a driveway - the weight can damage the concrete and possibly damage services underneath.
Aug 9, 11:59pm
Driveway is tarseal is comerical buildings am in middle guy at front has pad of road guy out back has big pad out back i have only 3 speces in middle or park on road .that not guna happen. Is big bin can push and is on wheel hav offer to do myself but he said noo scare bin be pinched lol is jj richards bin . This is second time happen first time i was here truck turn up said i cant and im like yup enuff or hang on il move that car truckie that ur bin im no but and that was it he in reverse in off neibour complained i told hm wot happen and they resent truck bin empty i moved nuthin so rekon same this time around lazy driver, isnt 3 meters enuff is for me
Aug 10, 12:21am
Would you complain if the truck hit your car I bet you would trucks take a lot of room to move a lot more than cars
Aug 10, 1:15am
Yes hear u ,in no wouldnt but is staight drive car are lined up on left so dosnt need turn and as i said i can BACK my car trailer with car onor 8 meter boat down drive at speed if wished is not that tight and as said previous is 3 meter wide gap Surley that enuf! Well maybe not for sum !! Most drive are only 3 meters ! I no lot comerical places wider but there are standard practices ie legal road with so need only make driveways this big . Lol just spoke him in drive now is 120 as they came yesday too aperantly must bein when i nip down shop
Aug 10, 1:44am
Thanks f_p
Aug 10, 1:47am
Ya would'n think there was money in rubbish would ya lol
Aug 10, 1:48am
3 meters wide eh well a truck is 2.5 wide do you see the difference move you car you are a fool
Aug 10, 5:59am
So in thatcase every title could be different.Now we find out this is a commercial property so maybe is only leased so just about anything could apply.
Aug 10, 7:19am
Trukies how much room u need get down a drive!
Mirrors.Dat Simple- BUT as ya said/wrote. trukies-presumption is ya not just a jigaboo steerer and KNOW how ta drive a truck
Aug 10, 3:26pm
+1 Trucks have alot of blind spots, just because the mirrors look big dosent mean you can see much out of them. A car on the left will completley dissapear from view when its beside the passenger door, unless you are there to guide him past each time he comes, move the car, half meter may look like enough room but from the driver seat it looks different.
Aug 10, 3:34pm
You are dead right there
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