Car accident who is at fault?

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quater, Sep 1, 5:10am
If your not quick I'll have ya park.

mantagsi, Sep 1, 5:14am
hahah fair call, if that is the case you are welcome to it :)Oh and for the record I do apologise, when I am on my bike I do park nose forwards, so there are exceptions. Trouble is on days like that I still can't find the boot.

msigg, Sep 1, 5:19am
reversing is almost always in the wrong, unless you get a real good barrister.

icemans1, Sep 1, 6:11am
i agree with most - your fault if you're reversing.

lookoutas, Sep 1, 4:24pm
What if it's a VW Beetle!

lookoutas, Sep 1, 4:25pm
What've you been smoking!

henderson_guy, Sep 1, 4:35pm
S'true. Contact Energy and Fletchers both require reverse parking on their offices and worksites, and you will find a lot of their employees will reverse park as a force of habit.

roberto9, Sep 1, 4:37pm
seems strange you could see a couple pedestrians walk behind you, but didn't see another vehicle, which was surely some what larger.

daz59, Sep 1, 9:25pm
About ten years ago I was parked in an angle park along a street in town, as I got into my car a ute with a car trailer pulled up behind me and about 6 other cars blocking us all (I didnt see him as I was getting into my car) so I backed out and the back right side of my car, scraped along the back corner of his trailer. from my car I couldnt see his trailer as it was low, he was illegally parked but because I was backing it was my fault. That was the insurance companies view. How could I have avoided hitting him in that situation!

msigg, Sep 1, 10:22pm
daz59 illegally parked,dosn't mean you have to back into him(i know you were trying to avoid it) All im saying is two wrongs don't make a right in the eyes of the law and eyes of the insurance company. its all very basic.

daz59, Sep 2, 2:56am
msigg, I wasnt trying to avoid him as I didnt know he was there, he pulled up as I got into my car. his low trailer was not visible from my car. How could I have avoided hitting him!

nzdoug, Sep 2, 3:41am
U go any way u want.
F Kup jams.
U rong.

kevymtnz, Sep 2, 3:43am
1. are you on private land
2.let insurance sort it out

msigg, Sep 2, 3:57am
yea daz59i get ya, still law is if your backing your in the wrong, and of course the modern cars with their high back windows you can't see anything close behind you, This is why kids are getting run over in driveways, and because drivers are not looking out through the back window, some are lazy or cannot twist, they just look out the side or use the mirrors, then bang.

a.woodrow, Sep 2, 3:59am

Is it ok to back over a kid because they weren't there when you got in your car.!

brouser3, Sep 2, 5:50am
Give it to the insurance co - they will try and pin it on you most likely, not a lot of difference to the person who has stopped to let pedestrians past when backing out of a space, started up again and hit another car moving past.

brouser3, Sep 2, 5:57am
two reasons -(1) a lot of later model cars have the front under the bumper so low that it is damaged by the precast parking curb many spaces have and the only way to avoid that damage is either reverse in or leave the bum sticking out so far its unsafe (2) some carpark spaces are just so dam narrow and the entrance lane equally narrow, that it's much easier, quicker and safer to reverse in/drive out.

outbidyou2, Sep 2, 6:00am
are you related to snoopy!

daz59, Sep 2, 6:17am
I didnt look! You may want to go back and read my post ""he wasnt visable from my car""So tell me, if your getting into your car and a kids runs up and ducks down behind your boot, how are you supposed to "look" and see them!

daz59, Sep 2, 6:19am
Yeah msigg I know its how it is but it stinks if you ask me. The only way I could have avoided hitting him would be to have someone direceting me as I was backing out.

spead, Sep 2, 10:54pm
thats why YOU have insurance. your fault though.

neville48, Sep 3, 12:27am
I dont smoke and its our companies policy that we reverse park and thats for in New Zealand and Oz with our company.mind you, that explains the Wallabies at the moment I spose.!