Nope, never have, never will. However, I have in the past stiffened and slightly raised rear suspensions in some of my cars. Lowering can improve handling, but I prefer my tooth fillings and spine to stay intact. Driving lowered cars is a PITA in my opinion.
Aug 27, 7:41pm
Nothing wrong with buying it, but I don't see any point in lowering it.
Aug 27, 7:50pm
lol go on do it. Home made clamps are kewl. Yah know yah wanna!
Aug 27, 7:51pm
Good on ya for asking before you do it it might look better but it wont handle any better race cars are lowered and air dams added so they can get more grip at speed 100k + all that lowering will do for your road car is to make it ride a bit harder over bumpy roads which all NZ roads are
Aug 27, 10:04pm
I don't, makes the ride harder, more noise, more vibrations. Increased likelihood of damaging bumpers and exhausts on steep driveways.As well as making some components wear pre mature, manufacturers spend millions on research and development.
Aug 28, 1:33am
I think that any form of lowering should be be made illegal for ROAD cars! Because the roads surfaces are uneven a lowered vehicle will at time lift all the weight off one wheel at a time, momentarily.If the vehicle is cornering at the time fast enough it will leave the road. If you remove the suspension from a vehicle it will become virtually undriveable even at low speed. It will leave the road uncontrollably. So in answer to the question, I would say no it will not damage a vehicle by lowering it. Good luck with the damage when you leave the road.The improvements in the speed and handling of modern vehicles has come through the engine and the suspension IMPROVEMENTS. Modern rally cars and race cars are dramatically faster due to technology improvements in both engines and suspensions. Limiting the ability of the suspension to move as per it is designed is utter stupidity in my opinion!.Good luck to ya bud.
Aug 28, 1:41am
if you want it lower plus a handling improvement go for adjustables. if you just want the lowering look then springs are fine for that. Dont listen to the guy saying your car will leave the road and crash due to lowering springs
Aug 28, 2:26am
Looks cool though!Not everything (or everyone) is about making something go faster or handle better and even being cheaply modified, a modern car will probably still handle better than half the cars from 20+ years ago
Aug 28, 4:57am
I have some Jamex springs on my Mazda AZ-3 & I think they perform very well - the car handles a lot better now than previously. I didn't want to spend too much because it's only a cheap car, but I think these springs give you the most bang for your buck. Also, I have some King springs on my STi. They're a great, reputable, & quality Aussie-made spring. Nothing wrong with them.
Aug 28, 6:28am
if you want to lower your car cheeply without cutting the springs . Go down to bunnings and buy 6 bags of redymix concrete and leave them in the boot and put 2 of them on the floor in front of the passanger seat. if you want to return your ride to stock , just take them out and build a foot path on your back yard
Aug 29, 4:04am
Many people here are rubbishing the idea of lowering a car. Why then are all cop cars, including mufti's, lowered!. because it improves handling & therefore gives them an advantage in pursuit situations. I'm not saying you'll be pursuing anyone, just that handling is definitely improved, i.e., less body roll when cornering. Also, aesthetically it gives the car a better stance.
Aug 29, 7:55am
if you want the cops to stop you all the time lower the car
Aug 29, 2:06pm
no it doesnt.
Aug 29, 2:33pm
Where are these lowered cop cars another urban mythnext your going to tell us they have worked V8s
Aug 29, 2:53pm
yeah I was thinking the same.I find it quite hard to believe the cops would be lowering their cars. I also would also love to see proof of this.
Aug 29, 4:06pm
Actually the more I think about it, it would be a really great idea if those spring clamps were really promoted to the boy racing fraternity. The ability to restore the suspension to factory by just removing the clamps would be a god send. Much easier than having to go the new spring route.
yep, every time you see some one coming on here wanting to lower their suspension just point them to spring clamps. :-)
Aug 30, 6:13am
Maybe not to an old timer.
Aug 30, 6:17am
Put your seeing eyes on and look around. Mufti's have lights mounted to the parcel shelf, no hub caps, aerials galore, & are LOWERED (compared to standard commies).
Aug 30, 11:44pm
why lower at all! It just attracts unwanted attention.
Aug 30, 11:48pm
Yep, they're lower than factory for sure.
Aug 30, 11:54pm
yep, your probably right. they got too much sense.
Aug 31, 12:11am
Part of the Police Pack includes suspension alterations amongst other things. To those against lowering cars, well fair enough, thats your choice. Like anything there are benefits and there are drawbacks, but keep in mind that just because the drawbacks would affect you more than the benefits would, well, benefit you, it doesn't mean it is necessarily a bad thing. Keep it in mind before going mad like bayrock, it is a bit silly
Aug 31, 3:13am
copp cars have pnumatic shocks , that means they can raise or lower ride height at will , what good would a lowerd ride be in a persuit over a bumpy road , like 99 % of roads in this country
Aug 31, 3:58am
I've got a question for ya
Why do you want to look like an idiot.
Aug 31, 4:55am
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