Pajero hard to start

ashandjuz, Aug 21, 9:25pm
Hi I have a 1993 pajero 2.8 diesel (4m40). when i move it out of the drive to get the other car out, say 2 hours later i goto use the pajero it can take upto 30 seconds of cracking for it to start. starting it from cold and every other time is starts fine. any ideas!

unclejake, Aug 21, 11:43pm
Is the area you are moving the vehicle to sloping! If so then your fuel drain back valve may be stuck open

dent, Aug 22, 12:29am
there quite common for sucking air in through the front seal on the injector pump. Will start fine when cold but just as you get down the road will start to splutter as it has sucked air in through the seal and filled up the pump with air.

flack88, Aug 22, 12:32am
Take fuel filter off and see what colour of fuel,if it black you got a problem!

intrade, Aug 22, 12:38am
All diesel should be used with fuel additive only to prevent seal shrinkage problems and injector componant wear. As aboveresealing a pump is from 800$ to 1600$

scoobeey, Aug 22, 12:55am
for sure:) flashlube i use every fill:))))

scoobeey, Aug 22, 1:17am
still runnin original pump no new seals as yet lol

ashley0007, Aug 22, 5:06am
No slope

ashley0007, Aug 22, 5:08am
dent wrote:
there quite common for sucking air in through the front seal on the injector pump. Will start fine when cold but just as you get down the road will start to splutter as it has sucked air in through the seal and filled up the pump with air.[/quote

When it's going there is no splutter

ashley0007, Aug 22, 5:09am
Could be