Has anyone else been unable to get new free ones! - Last ones i got were 17Jul, and 28Jun, that seems to mean i should be able to get at least 2 more, but it won't allow that. Thanks.
Aug 10, 8:23pm
No! - Must be just me then, lol.
Aug 10, 9:20pm
You get 3 free look ups per month on one login. Register under 3 different login's/usernames with different email addresses, which is what i have done and get 9 free lookups per month.
Aug 10, 9:29pm
can get as many as you that they have loaded on their system. thats what it told me any way
Aug 10, 10:19pm
they've changed their site, and now you have to pay for a report to see all the dates from now on, but if someone looks at a car which had a report run after the site change then it should stay in cache. The cars which were looked up before the site change now no longer have the cache held for them.
It sucks because I always used to check carjam when my cars in NZ were due for WOF/reg, now I can't :( I don't even know how you can use the free look ups anymore.
Aug 10, 10:23pm
Man the new carjam is confusing to use
Aug 10, 11:45pm
Hmmmm. Do you know when they changed it though! - I successfully used carjam on the 17th Jul for a free look-up, on a car that was shownas out of warrant and rego. However, my report showed it as fine, so assuming it was therefore really giving me a genuine updated report.
I'm pretty confused too. It must have beenmore recently than 17 Jul, but more than a week ago, as i've been trying unsuccessfully to use it since then.
Aug 10, 11:52pm
Its typical, a system that use to work well so then change it to make it worse
Aug 10, 11:55pm
It's just the same as before. I just logged in and got a 'free lookup'.
It tells you you have free look-ups, but they don't give you a report, and they don't give info such as when the warrant and rego were renewed.
Aug 11, 12:07am
Yes they do^ - I just did this one:
Edited for security reasons; the owner hasn't opted out so I'll leave it at that.
Aug 16, 2:33am
Same experience tonight as topic starter - sysyem wont give the 'free' info (WOF details etc) - and I find the new layout very confusing. If it aint broke dont fix it!
Aug 16, 5:52am
I'm also unaware of how to use my free lookups (for updated WOF & REGN expiry dates), or for that matter, even see how many free lookups I have left. It appears that no matter what you click on you're directed to an $11.99 report. Am I missing something!
Aug 17, 1:16am
Yip - that seems to be what happens on the new site - the old one prominently showed a "free lookups" tab but that option is nowhere to be seen now. I also find it hard now to log out!.
This is all a bit of a shame really as I used to use the site regularly to find details of cars from out of town that I might be interested in buying, and while I certainly did have my share of free lookups for this, I also purchased reports when I decided to consider buying more seriously.
This could be a reflection of business economics and the cost of running the site compared with those 'freeloading' but if that is the case it would be nice of they were honest and up front about that - or is this just a case of poor site design!
Aug 17, 1:35am
i talked to carjam
the 3 "free reports" each month were costing them 16c each and they dont want to absorb that price anymore.
the only way for most people to update them now is to buy the full $15 report.
That being said account members can purchase the basic reports for 20c but you have to make an account with minimum $20 credit
They would do well to explain this on the site better.
Aug 17, 3:04am
Thanks very much. :)
Probably will do the $20 dollar thing. Wholeheartedly agree, they could certainly explain this better!
Aug 17, 3:24am
Yeah were was this news on the website LOL
Aug 17, 4:18am
Thanks Jason_247, I figured that may have been the case but frankly this is very poor (as a registered user they have our email addresses, so why not explain this to us! most of us would have probably understood and sympathised and come 'on board') .
Now however, I am over them, and will use competing services in future. They have not shown any regard at all for their regular customers. and anyone in business knows "your best customers are your existing customers".
Aug 17, 4:29am
and what competitiors websites are you going to use
Aug 17, 4:41am
Hi intrade. I was thinking of motorweb initially, but would consider any others that may or may not emerge, or may form an alliegance with one of my friendly local dealers who can provide the info to me. The issue I have is not so much about the cost as the issue of communicating and the lack of regard they clearly have for their main users, after all I am sure we accept they must make money to remain in business. Maybe they were embarassed about changing the service, but I always favour being up front in business, and these guys simply havent been.
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