Cost of tyre fitting?

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jolly_26, Aug 11, 5:39pm
Just called up a company for a quote on getting my wheels and tyres sorted. I need two tyres removed, and new tyres fitted and balanced onto those wheels. Then I need the other two wheels balanced. I have all of the tyres and wheels, already off the car, all ready to go. I was quoted $100, but this seems fairly pricey. Am I correct in thinking this!

jason18, Aug 11, 5:42pm
Yeah pretty pricey. I have 4 tyres/removed fitted and balanced for $20 a wheel I think

mugenb20b, Aug 11, 5:42pm
It sounds steep, but on the other hand, it also depends on what kind of rims you have. If you have 20 inch wheels, and the time is charged by the hour, then $100 is probably about right.

supernova2, Aug 11, 5:43pm
remore 2, fit 2, balance 4.
$100 sounds right to me.Work out the time involved plus use of machines etc.

jolly_26, Aug 11, 5:48pm
yeah, I don't know much about balancing, but I do recall having a guy remove and fit a pair of tyres for $5 each. Took him about 7 or 8 minutes, did it while I was standing right there. That was for a paddock basher though haha, but the current wheels and tyres shouldn't be too hard, they are 17 inch, nothing ridiculous

carmedic, Aug 11, 5:55pm
& the profile is!

aragorn2003, Aug 11, 5:57pm
Who did you call! Frank Allen Tyres/Beaurepaires!

jolly_26, Aug 11, 6:05pm
called tyres 2 go, apparently they're the only place open on a Sunday and I was keen to get it done. The tyres getting changed are 215/40r17

stevo2, Aug 11, 6:06pm
Its quite common to tyre dealers to charge extra when they are not supplying the tyres. I paid $30 per tyre for fit and balance when I supplied them

mrfxit, Aug 11, 6:29pm
Yea it's a bit of a rip alright, shite guys, it's not like it's a hard job with most std tires & those automated fitting machines.
Less then 2 minute to mount on the machine/ pull tire off /pop replacement tire on & inflate . .$10 thanks plus another $10 & 2 minutes to balance it on an auto balancer .

On a good day thats $300 per hour for ONLY fitting & balancing
Less the $18 per hour for the staff member
Less a little more per hour for the shop/tax etc

Thats about $250 minimum clear per hour on a busy day

unbeatabull, Aug 11, 6:35pm
We'd charge about an hour for that as well which is around $100, sounds a little steep but it is fair.

Yes some tyres can be done in a matter of seconds, and others can take a lot longer (GT Rad's are shockers at times, the sidewall on them is so stiff!)

And as others said, because you are supplying all the tyres yourselves they are going to charge you a little more. Most places will fit & balance for free if you purchase tyres through them.

On the other hand, if I was doing it as a cash job a box of beer would be suffice :P

twink19, Aug 11, 7:05pm
dont forget the cost of disposal, usually $5 per tyre

jolly_26, Aug 11, 8:18pm
I'd happily shout you a 24 of speights or whatever if you feel like doing the job for me mate! :P

vpholdie, Aug 11, 11:17pm
It does depend on size and profile of tyres, and your are supplying the tyres I would probably charge the same and depending on the type of tyre can be a prick to balance as well. #10 you sound like you do it for free for him you make it sound so easy!

mrfxit, Aug 12, 12:25am
Compared to the old pipe post & lever days, LOL heck yes.
Easey peasy on most domestic modern tires.
Even the old "machine" was easy most days if you knew what you were doing.
NO . of course it wouldn't be done for free . what do you think I am. NUTS

singing1, Aug 12, 3:14am
Jack up car, remove wheels, old tyres off, old valves out, new valves in, new tyres on, plus balance, lube wheel studs, wheels back on. get rid of old cases $100.pretty good price, in my book.

supernova2, Aug 12, 4:23am
Who pays a knuckledragging tyre fitter that much!

scoobeey, Aug 12, 4:33am
I went into fire stne and they wanted 40 a tyre lol went down road for 15 :)

snj11, Aug 12, 2:12pm
Yip very fair to me, they are reasonably low profile 17s, not to hard but can be a bugger to get top bead on at times, all 4 wheels to be removed and balanced, 2 tyres to removed and replaced with customer supplied tyres meaning there is no profit margin on tyres, replace all 4 wheels. There is probably the odd good bugger out there that would do it cheaper or for a box of beer but its a case of finding them, I dont think $100 is unfair. But on another note I would let the company you mentioned gave that price near my car, just my opinion but not nice or ethical company to deal with

xs1100, Aug 13, 12:32am
so tell us what do you do for a job

jolly_26, Aug 13, 3:07am
interesting comment! I am a student at UC, but I'm not sure how that makes any difference. I ended up getting them done for two dozen beers, took unbeatabull (^^ commented just up there) about 25 mins or so. Cheers for that by the way.

jolly_26, Aug 13, 3:08am
oh, and the wheels were off the car and ready to go

johnf_456, Aug 13, 3:15am
what has that got to do with the price of fish

xs1100, Aug 13, 3:55am
just most people over emphasize their own self importance in their particular field.plumber expects a cheap car service but wouldnt lower himself to the same and the like john.but there you go price of fish ahhh.but i bet you already knew that

jolly_26, Aug 13, 4:08am
Fair enough call I guess. Us Uni students are probably the worst haha "what the hell, that's costing me $70 an hour! I'm going through years of study and I probably won't earn that much when I come out!"