Remove two tyres and dispose of, fit supplied tyres with new valves and balance. Then balance two tyres $60+gst here.
Aug 13, 4:16am
Why go through years of study then if you are going to have a large loan and a mediocre pay packet!
Aug 13, 4:23am
Hey mate, thanks, alternator sorted cheers
Aug 13, 4:24am
Or even worse no pay packet and yars unemployed as you now overqualified.
Aug 13, 4:34am
Nah if you actually do a degree that gets a job like a B.Com majoring in Accounting, or an Engineering degree, you can actually get work, Arts Grads usually make my coffee for me in the morning.
Aug 13, 5:41am
lol.funny that. You can achieve the same job training from a 3 week barrista course as a 3 yr arts degree. go figure :)
Aug 13, 6:06am
According to the news today Accountants will be gonnas by, was it, 2015 or 2025.The quicker the better if you ask me.Always makes me wonder when going sth on the Ak bridge what all those high rise buildings in Daukland are there for!Obviously full of pen pushers that produce absolutely nothing for the good of either the country or mankind.
Aug 13, 5:07pm
Yup mechanical engineering degree for me, so no worries about my pay packet haha it'll be well sorted by the time I've been out a couple years, will likely start on 50 to 60k and climb in a big hurry. Also, are you the guy with the 12 second mr2 turbo! I think you commented on a message board post of mine a while back, would be pretty keen to see that thing, I did end up buying an sw20 too.
Aug 13, 7:03pm
Umm, how long ago was this!
Aug 14, 2:59pm
about 8 months ago.
Aug 14, 4:03pm
I supose that you could call other tyre shops for more quotes but it is easier to start a ruckus on here and show how not to get competitive quotes.
Aug 14, 5:26pm
I suppose that I could start a thread on here, learn something new, and get my tyres fitted and balanced for half what I was originally quoted by a member. You could post a useless comment without reading the thread, trying to create this so called "rukus" that you speak of.
Oh wait.
Aug 14, 5:36pm
so if you could have phoned other tyre shops why did you waste tme posting on here! All 38 comments which have not lowered your original price at all, just loads of hearsay, no FACTS .
Aug 14, 5:39pm
If thats the case why do you post on here
Aug 14, 8:24pm
yeah, you're a bit confused mate.
Aug 14, 8:29pm
Another case of not reading the whole thread
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