Volvo 850 2.4 wont start.

pinga08, Aug 13, 12:03am
guy ran out of gas in weekend put gas in car eventually started and ran but had no power.he then parked it up and went and got more fuel and put that in but still no better so it s got about twenty litres in it now.i had a look at it put new fuel filter on as it may of sucked up crap from the tank and checked that fuel was at fuel rail by opening the valve on the rail end now car will not start at all. i have checked that it has spark and it does so i cleaned the plugs any ideas!

thejazzpianoma, Aug 13, 12:07am
You may have fuel but little fuel pressure. Could be the filter in the tank blocked or even a cooked fuel pump from being run dry.

Or. perhaps unrelated.

I would do a fuel pressure test before continuing if it was me.

BTW, can you hear the fuel pump running!

usdefault, Aug 13, 12:57am
As Jazz said.Fried fuel pump most likely. If they're run without fuel they cook.

pinga08, Aug 13, 5:10am
fuel pump definitley running i no any elec fuel pump dont like havin no gas going thru it

usdefault, Aug 13, 7:36am
Have you checked for power to fuses 2 3 and 4 with the ignition switched on!
The fuses get their power from the circuit 15 relay at position 106 in the relay box.

This was a 'fix' for someone who had similar symptoms to you from online.

intrade, Aug 13, 11:27am
yup fuel pumps dont like to run dry most cars have 2 pumps one lift-pump in tank and another elsewhere. it takes 20 secounds of no fuel to fry a fuelpump. I replaced a few and they dont come replace. way cheaper to not run out of fuel on newer cars. bout 500$ is a intank liftpump replcment at a cheap garage. pumps are bout 200$ from partsmaster supecheap auto.Fuel pressure has to be mesured to figure if the in tank lifterpump has fried.