Do I use CRC on my car arial!It's electric and you can hear the motor for it, but it doesn't go up or down fully.
Sep 6, 6:02pm
It wont hurt to try it, but is probably broken, you can buy just the pole for a lot of electric earials,
Sep 6, 6:52pm
Thanks.I'll try CRC then if it doesn't work does an auto electrician install new ones!How much!
Sep 6, 6:54pm
If you can hear the motor running, then the plastic track may have come out.
What sort of car is it!
They're usually not too hard to disassemble and guide the track back in .By turning the radio on. Then slide the track down the hole and turn the radio off and hopefullt the cog will grab the track and pull it and the aerial down.
Can take a few trial and error attempts though.
Sep 6, 7:16pm
the car is a 2001 Mitzi diamante
eta where is the 'track'!
Sep 6, 11:06pm
You have to dismantle the aerial unit to remove the broken nylon insert, then simply assemble stick the new "inner" into the aerial and get someone to switch radio on and voila the aerial will recede into the aerial base. Well not quite that simple if you have not done one before. Check this out off Youtube
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