Focus ST170 loosing water - where from?

barrie2, Sep 4, 4:10am
Loosing about 1 litre every 2 days just around town. Cursory inspection showed no hoses leaking. Oil looks ok no sludge. Any other ideas - radiator is hard to inspect but . maybe. (Looking after sons car whilst he is away).

kingfisher21, Sep 4, 4:11am
Any puddles on the ground!

a.woodrow, Sep 4, 4:19am
How are you measuring the water loss! I have seen people filling the overflow right to the top then wondering why they have lost water the next day.

barrie2, Sep 4, 4:34am
Thanks. No puddles. Filling to indicator line (FULL) on overflow tank.

unbeatabull, Sep 4, 4:36am
Water pump, heater hoses, thermostat housings. Most common places. Otherwise radiator hoses, cracked/split reservoir (normally only shows when hot as the reservoir expands), radiator tanks.

kingfisher21, Sep 4, 4:52am
Get someone to pressure test the system.

barrie2, Sep 4, 2:50pm
Thanks to all. Will try my best to check the suggested areas today.

olsod2, Sep 5, 6:59pm
always check water level in radiator when engine is cold gives better reading.would also check radiator cap

nathan84, Sep 6, 5:03am
more like its got a fucked head and waters going out the exhaust

barrie2, Sep 10, 2:51pm
Thanks - checked all suggested items (that are visible as it is congested in there). No apparent leak after a 30k run and loss of almost 2 litres. Maybe #9! Will have to leave it for son to sort out but not back until 21st. Would have saved him time if I had sussed it out. #6 - is this an expensive test! Thanks.

ceebee2, Sep 10, 4:58pm
If header tank is "losing" coolant usually means an internal leak. With radiator full / cap off and cold, start engine and see if water gushes out. If so leaking / blown head gasket. If not needs pressure test as suggested.

Note when you start the engine from cold does it hesitate / misfire briefly then run smooth! If so, leaking / blown head gasket.

barrie2, Sep 11, 1:38am
ceebee2, starts ok from cold, no hesitation. Radiator on this car is tucked under front of body shell and not accessible. The plastic tank has plastic filler cap with small round metal ! in centre (from inside). Small hole from outside of filler cap. Could this be instead of radiator cap! I do understand your advice and done it on other cars but only when radiator is there - in front of my big nose.! Cheers.

unbeatabull, Sep 11, 3:40pm
The plastic tank is a header tank and is part of the cooling system. That cap is the same as a radiator cap. The header tank is pressurised with the rest of the system. It should have a small hole, as pressure gets too high it will release coolant out the same as a radiator cap would, but instead of into an overflow tank it dumps it out. Once it's at its running level it shouldn't dump any more out, if its still pressurising and pushing water out the header tank you have other problems. (Head gasket, head etc)