Any auto gearbox gurus out there. Have a 97 Hiace

dellboy2, Sep 25, 3:27am
diesel super custom. Done about 280,00k's Lately is slipping under load when touque convertor is locked up. Can feel t/c locking up as normal. Years ago, I had to change t/c lock up selonoid, (was dropping out or not engaging at all)At that time, did find bits of what looked like needle roller stuck to the magnets in sump. Just as a note, shortly after buying van (7 yrs ago) It starting this funny whine, seems to coming from just behind seats (about where the t/c is) only does it when hot, and only when van in motion, and the tone stays the same pitch, maybe a bit of a warble to it if only a light throtle.Have been offered a re-con t/c at reasonable price, would obviously change fluid/filter at time of changing t/c but just checking to see if I'm on the right track.Thanks in advance.

dellboy2, Sep 27, 7:09pm
pretty please.

flack88, Sep 27, 7:29pm
They the same trans as surf, lexus v8,30/40 asin,can buy them cheap,just change it ,if it gives to much grief.Just did a trans oil change on a 1kz-surf,used Valvoline long life synthetic ,says it same as Toyota type T,shifts mint now ,like different vehicle,pumped it through cooler line,old oil was filthy.

skin1235, Sep 27, 8:46pm
change the t/q too

guest, Sep 25, 11:12am
/ Function For Bubble Sort:void Bsort(int a[],int N) > Takes input from the user, a[] is array that takes inifinte vuleas, N is the number of entries{int i,j,c; > Local variablesfor(i=1;i i can take value from 1 to last but 2nd value (ex: if N = 10, i can take vuleas from 1 to 9){for(j=0;j j can take value from 0 to last but 3rd value (from 0 to 8){if(A[j]>a[j+1]) > a[j] will now hold value in the first position of the entry since array starts from position 0 and a[j+1] will have 2nd value{c=a[j]; > if 1st value is greater than 2nd value then first value is stored to replace the position.a[j]=a[j+1]; > since we know that a[j+1] is small with respect to a[j], we replace the position.a[j+1]=c; > now c is greatest according to comparison so we are replacing c to 2nd position. Now we have sorted the first and second position. The loop goes on.}}}}

guest, Sep 26, 12:31pm
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this arcleit.