I'm looking at buying a car and the registration is 6 months expired, do I have to pay the back date when I change ownership or does the old owner!
Sep 19, 2:07am
Old owner.
Sep 19, 2:07am
old owner pays rego to day he sold it you pay from day you are registered. roaduser charges however carry on to new owner.
Sep 19, 2:34am
Cheers for the replies
Sep 19, 3:58am
Aword of advice, OP --
if you are not going to use the car for at least three months after you buy it, put it on hold immediately -- then it will not cost you those three months of tax/licence.
You CAN put up to twelve months exemption on, and re-licence after three months, there will be no penalty.
Sep 19, 6:04am
also, dont tell the old owner that they are going to get a bill, some get gutted.easier to deal with when you're not there and the deal is done
Sep 19, 6:55pm
YOU arer responsible for the car going forwards old owner is responsible for rego going backwards. RUC though goes forwards with the vehicle
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