4WD Lift Laws - Seperate Licence LOL

zephyrheaven, Sep 14, 5:26am
Yes folks - its coming, and if you dont make your voice heard (like anything in this state of no democracy you havent heard of it but its happening before you know it) its going to mean even off roading isnt fun anymore

Grey Daewoo's for all!

morrisman1, Sep 14, 5:28am
and if the new licence doesn't involve some sort of driver training for the different characteristics of a lifted 4wd then it will completely defeat the point of a new licence.

zephyrheaven, Sep 14, 5:33am
Sorry but live in a state of NZ that has an overweight (is that OK Mods!) person with glasses telling you to get over everything
Then the roads suck
Then your 4x4 is illegal
Then the schools close

Then you want to move back to a small town, but the Government closed all of the jobs in that small town so moving back would be pointless

We will all live in Auckland by 2025

I wish someone else was as interested as I was in the plughole our motoring public are all spinning down without us knowing it

snoopy221, Sep 14, 5:38am
Aye Mon -juss tell em ya want ch registration

Vee shall drive dem on the beaches.
Vee will never surrender to tui-
Speights ch exemption mud pluggin 4x4's for all earthquake zones Jimmy me lad.

zephyrheaven, Sep 14, 5:42am
It will be Chch's fault mate

The people killed in 'lifted' truck (hey, none of them were road legal / on a legal road etc) but it will stack up in the minds of the many

Im over it

Not bothered, nobody wanted to fight it so here it is

mrfxit, Sep 14, 3:25pm
Seriously Zeph, not heard of it coming.
Theres always been rumours but thats norm with anything

intrade, Sep 14, 3:42pm
like anything it is all hidden for public display on governments websites so no one can say they did nt make it public i guess . just like the law to search cars for ruaduser avaition tempering divises and them employing people to calculate your milage and supected traveled distance to come knocking at your door so they can check your vehicle for switches disconnected odometers , that law is passed since march this year and was up on one of there hidden pages. Soon there will be one where we all need to get microchip implants without letting uss know.

intrade, Sep 14, 3:49pm
this free man on the land thing there is someting to it, as i did hear the guy who made up his own license plates and lables got not charged in court, So it seems its just because we accept there fraudulent rules and regulation that we have to then obey them , Not if you dont accept em and find out how to tell em you dont. its aperantly all aginst the original common law the leaches heve made up over the top.

flack88, Sep 14, 4:05pm
Wheres the diesel tampering law /!how did find out about that intrade!

intrade, Sep 14, 4:06pm
i am not sure if its still online and i am unsure if i find it again as they usually remove and hide it once its passed said proposed law come in to effect march 2012 i did read it in october to december last year

splinter67, Sep 14, 4:13pm
They will sneak it in! Look at what they did to trucks you should up rate your truck then you can carry more weight. But wait now you've all uprated your trucks now we are going to charge rucs at maximum weight. Is this just a coincidence nah very cunning government

Oh my god Im starting to sound like Jazz help

intrade, Sep 14, 4:15pm
it was on a sie like this but well hidden in submenus somwhere on the crappy websites dont know if i ever find it again i guess once its in effect they want to hide it to not get a lynch mob on the roads if everyone reads the new passed legislation-law or what ever the leeches call it
new license lable changes now on the site you btter read how they proposeto rip uss off now there some more.

intrade, Sep 14, 4:22pm
this is the latest one putting cars on hold its like everything written so no one can make sense of it . i called them as they sent me a letter i had disposed of my new car or sold it . they told me all ok was just a computer glitch as my change of registerd user for the wehicle turned up befor the sellers the computer sent me a note that i sold or deregistered it . while i was on the phone the women told me its 10.40$ to put a car on hold over the phone and 5bux something with AA or post shop and free to do online on the net still. Anyhow have a read online no mention of the free option there so we will have to wait and see and pray or something the women told me the right thing so we dont get milked even more.

desmodave, Sep 14, 4:38pm
How many surfs and hilux's have been rolled without a lift kit fitted. Some people are just crap drivers regardless of what they drive.

mrfxit, Sep 14, 5:46pm
Theres a good explanation for a lot of those rollovers

Ppl calling them "cars"
If you call a true 4x4 a "car", you tend to 'drive" it like a car

Another reason is the difference between a true 4x4 & an SUV & Awd
3 distinctly different class's of vehicles
Unfortunately the average joe can't tell the difference between them & still treats each 'like a car"

Then theres the operators that simply 'don't know how to drive'

desmodave, Sep 14, 5:59pm
Theres a good expanation alright , crap drivers. Going to quick down hill in a twisty bit of road and the tail end gets light and steeps out , the driver is to slow to respond or over corrects and its all over. Hilux =s highroller

mrfxit, Sep 14, 6:03pm
Yep agreed as I mentioned.
We have had a few ppl in here complaining about only getting 15K to 20K out of a new set of 4x4 tires & in the same posting is the brand & model of 4x4 preceded with or ended with the words "my car"

bellky, Sep 14, 6:10pm
Our Disco is a Car like SUV AWD 4x4 in a Class of its own and I drive it however the hell I want.

trader_84, Sep 14, 6:16pm
Wot about ones that end with the words - my piggy :)) They are going to create (more) outlaws.

desmodave, Sep 14, 6:19pm
I dont think its as easy as that. You can call what ever you drive any name you like.I dont have to look at a speedo to know im going to quick. Some people just cant feel whats going on by the seat of thier pants. Open paddocks and river beds are good places to learn how to get out of shape then get it back again.

mrfxit, Sep 14, 6:21pm
May be a "piggy" but it's done more km's & been on the road a heck of a lot longer then a lot of much younger vehicles & will probably out live a lot of them as well.
Been on a lot of rougher roads & towed a lot of weights as well.

Mines a "4x4 truck" & gets treated as exactly that.
it's not a pig because I understand what it is & it does what it's designed to do AND what I want/need it to do.

mrfxit, Sep 14, 6:25pm
Yep theres a lot more to it but calling it & treating a real 4x4 & the bigger suv's as a "car" isn't helping
Remurea /Ponsonby tractors mostly used for grocery shopping & kindergarten duties

bellky, Sep 14, 6:50pm