no i never watch the boring bathurst race.i prefer races with real racing Ferraris or McLarens.
Oct 7, 4:03am
And Faggots Drive what's ya point.
Oct 7, 4:04am
for someone who dosnt watch bathurst you seem pretty angry about holden winning.
Oct 7, 4:08am
sounds like somebody has denial issues
Oct 7, 4:30am
And the end of the day its just a purpose built race car with a badge on it, the badge on the car doesn't truly represent what ever brand.
We all know the global Ford is far stronger than global GM, Ford Australia isnt a major part of global ford. & only people down under even care. But the funny thing is that aussie holden is one of global GM's best products, such is there demise.
while GM give the world low quality offerings like rebadged deawoos or much maligned in europe, vauxhull's. it could be said the Gm only do well with muscle cars.
Ford gives some great cars in all class's, like focus & fiesta + Mondeo's & kuga's & many others including good pick up's
If a certain brand car winning a race upsets you, then you probably need to live outside the box a little more.
Oct 7, 4:50am
U just wish u owned one
Oct 7, 4:53am
Which was the recent car add where the guy is wearing a SALMON COLOURED SHIRT!
What ever brand that is you can either read it as not enough gays drive them so they are courting the gay consumer base OR (and more likely) they have recognized that SALMON COLOURED SHIRT wearers are a significant portion of their consumer base.
Oct 7, 5:04am
Why do people have such hangups with others' sexuality!
Oct 7, 5:09am
So if a guy driving a Holden Is a Homo and a guy driving a Ford is a faggot then what is a female that drives a Holden or a Ford
Oct 7, 5:35am
OP might be mistaking the drivers for the Subaru & Mitsi drivers that wear HRT jackets (Ive noticed these 2 brands seem to have a large percentage of this type)
Oct 7, 5:53am
HRT! Is that for poster 14 perhaps!
Oct 7, 5:56am
Aggressive homophobia denotes confidence in one's sexual identity and being *very* hetero, haven't you heard!
Oct 7, 6:01am
Why didn't anyone tell me that before I bought one! My girlfriend won't take the news well.or the kids
Oct 7, 6:03am
You need to get in touch with a local church. They can fix your gayness for you through prayer and faith.
Oct 7, 6:04am
Or you could just buy a Toyota.
Oct 7, 6:04am
I'll put a buy now up for some tissues
Oct 7, 6:09am
aw maan i drive a holden, but im not a rectum ranger.what do i do!.should i buy a capri.will that make me straight.will i be bi if i buy a jappa!
Note: where he was a wimp before, this Holden owner has become a real man's man merely by choosing the *correct* make of car, so as to avoid accusations of his being a wimp or a homo.
Note: insert Ford in the place of Holden for similar results.
Oct 7, 12:56pm
Ive owned 4 Holden Commodores in a row (7 in total) & for some reason now I have a Falcon (had 4 all up,3'coons & a Fairlane) I feel no different so where does the OP get his theory from!, the major difference IMO is whether theres a 6 or 8 under the bonnet of either brand
Oct 7, 1:00pm
and you know this because!
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