It's not just for bikes, but that's the reason they brought it in.cause $530pa in rego is a fair.
Oct 1, 1:02am
Tell me about it. Shame (not) they shot themselves in the foot though, didnt really think it through to well did they.
Oct 1, 1:05am
20 points for failing to allow impeaded traffic to pass, could use that in the coromandle.
Oct 1, 3:25am
Wow they have added a lot of demerit offences. With that enourmous list the amount of demerits you can accumulate should be increased to 200. "Drive or ride all terrain vehicle, motorcycle, or moped without securely fastened approved helmet" Thats 25 demerits if you have a good fitting helmet that doesn't feel like it's unbuckled and you forget! "Fail to drive as near as practicable to the left of the roadway" so that's 20 demerits if you drive near the centre line! (hello motorcyclists) Driving in your lane is not necessarily legal! "Driver permits riding dangerously" I'm guessing this is because they can't give the idiot with their body out of the window demerits! "Careless or inconsiderate use of motor vehicle" Didn't pick up that hitchhiker! that wasn't very considerate! 35 demerits! "Possessing in a motor vehicle equipment that is designed to interfere with operation of speed measuring device" 25 demerits "Using in a motor vehicle equipment that interferes with operation of speed measuring device" another 25 demerits
I am sure these and many others were all added in the last year or two. Before that there were only the speeding ones and a handful of others.
Oct 1, 3:34am
Run a red light. No demerits.
Oct 1, 3:35am
Do a U-turn and slaughter a few bikers, get a wet bus ticket across the wrist.
Oct 1, 4:14am
wow, 35 demerits for folks breaching restricted/learner conditions, well that would not take long for some to lose their licence! hard case
Oct 1, 4:25am
If ya forget to clip ya helmet on ya deserve more than demerits.
Oct 1, 4:27am
Clip.I hate clips! D-rings for me! lol
Oct 1, 5:08am
Not many are enforced. Just watch police ten 7.
Oct 1, 5:56am
Yep, safer communities together.
Oct 1, 2:06pm
Nope. Most have always been there. There are some new, but most are not.
The new ones came about when they woke up to the fact accumulating huge amounts of fines wasn't stopping the reoffending. The thought being that loss of licence might. No idea if it worked or not.
Oct 1, 3:34pm
If that is correct it proves that revenue is more of a concern than safety. A W.O.F. is a safety issue but the govt don't make much money out of it, unlike rego which has no effect on safety but is a big source of revenue.
Oct 1, 3:49pm
Your logic is.not.
It would indicate they think demerits has a better chance at forcing compliance than a fine. People keep going on about the safety aspect. Whoever said demerits are about safety!
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