Air compressors for painting cars?

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gunhand, Oct 1, 3:50am
Never any harm in disgreeing but quantifing what you say so others can be educated helps us all.

joanie32, Oct 1, 3:56am
Honestly, wheres your receiver, before or after water treatment, what is your water treatment, pipe size, type and design, cut inand out points, type of machine,extrenal conditions, use! a good comp specialist will look at all these things and more before opening his mouth. works with 2hp or 200hp units.

gunhand, Oct 1, 4:00am
Yes all good questions but the OP asked what size compressor to paint a car. Nothin else at this stage.And I dont think he wants to set up a paint shop by the sounds of it. If he was he would hopefully get a specilist in. And if he was setting up a paint shop you would hope he had some knowladge of a compressor. But I dont think he is.

joanie32, Oct 1, 4:03am
Yet others took it to another level saying things like receiver size makes no difference, thats where uneducated input can be a problem. As I said 2hp or 200hp, principles are the same

gunhand, Oct 1, 4:06am
Nothing stays on track for sure. And you can have a 1000ltr tank if you wish but its only good till pump kicks in and if ya pumps to small its pointless as it wont keep up, even with 1000ltr tank, mind you you may paint half the car before it does. Not sure how far 1000ltrs of air goes.

joanie32, Oct 1, 4:25am
well a 3hp machine should deliver around 12cfm or 0.33 m3/min. assuming theres a 1 Bar differential it sould take around 11.2 mins before comp kicks in again. just enought time to put a nice wet coat of spray putty on a old shitter. It will then take approx 4 mins to recharge. id be happy with that in a hobby shop, much better than running out aye!

gunhand, Oct 1, 4:31am
I used to paint full time useing a 12cfm with 50ltr tank and never ran out. It did run all the time mind you and in ten years of use at about year 8 it needed a new pump, motors still original one though. So it lasted bloody well and is a good brand. I use it at home and have a bigger unit for work now.Ive tried painting with small compressors (not sure why) and man are they a pain in the but.

joanie32, Oct 1, 4:32am
what do you have now!

gunhand, Oct 1, 4:37am
16cfm, still not huge but we are a small shop and have only one painter working with it at one time so it does well enough. Works well with most air tools as well. And the panelshop have there own unit. Only thing it wont run very well is a sandblaster (20ltr thing) but does what we want, but a bit of waiting with it.

joanie32, Oct 1, 4:40am
sand blasters need really dry air, or it gives the impression theres not enough flow. water traps need to bein right place or a dryer is better

gunhand, Oct 1, 4:44am
we have two water traps in the line, yea learnt real quick about damp sand. But not being a huge place forking out for some top line gear wont happen lol. Be nice but hey we are not having any issues or complaints really.

joanie32, Oct 1, 4:59am
1500 gets you a refrigerated dryer to suit your machine another 400 for correct filtration. you will never have water problems again and will take on work you never considered before