Iv'e closed a road.

panelvanner, Oct 18, 5:02am
For my 40th birthday "Do" to have time trials, with VANZ members and a few friends, for a few hours on Saturday. Hope the weatherholds off, General opinion is, it will be OK 'till later Saturday Arvo!
We are doing single vehicle runs, on the Hauraki plains, 1/4 mile and go to whoa, or 1/8th mile if wet. Some of the faster vans will be punching around 11 secs or so, and we should have about 30 "Trials" entries, we will have a ball.
Look out for an article in Petrolhead mag.

never2low, Oct 18, 2:20pm
i be there

franko171, Oct 18, 4:01pm
is that in WAITAK

fordkiwi27, Oct 18, 5:50pm
primo sounds fun! i could have bought my ambulance up.

sr2, Oct 18, 6:14pm
Sounds like a whole heap of fun to me! Hope the weather holds out for you.

gadgit3, Oct 18, 6:33pm
Sorry I havent got back to ya. Might be able to call in for a few but the young feller is fresh outta hospital still in recovery mode lol

sundownernz, Oct 19, 12:00am
Might just have to be there.