when replacing these two leaking oil seals with new ones i heard you can off set them a little bit so they're not sitting in the scuff marks left on the crack/camshaft made by the old seals. this marking the new seals less prone to leak is this right!
Oct 18, 4:03am
Crack seals! It must have done some serious kms to have left a mark
Oct 18, 4:09am
toyata townace turbo diesel 380 thou and apart from the minor seal issue she still runs like a charm
Oct 18, 4:15am
I've seen bigger seal grooves left on crack and camshafts on vehicles with less than half those k's
Oct 18, 4:17am
opps i meant crank seals!
Oct 18, 4:19am
You mean crank! Yes you can offset them. In the way of seeing where it has been sitting. Then when you hit the new one in. Make it go in a wee bit further or a wee bit less. So the lip is slightly in a diff place to run on a fresh seal surface.
Oct 18, 4:31am
thanks happy i've always thought as much but now you've definitely confirmed it for me. cheers for that
Oct 18, 2:50pm
you can pull the seal out and see if saco have one thet is slight shorter also dontdamage the crank when you remove the seal or you be having worse issues then a groove to worry about. I got some special seal pullers finaly from partsmaster for thet job to whack a hole and pull em still tricky but not as mutch as without them special cork screw type tools.
Oct 20, 1:51pm
interesting enough the seals i did get from skf seals and bearing were just that. i was able to hit them both all the way home giving the seals a new home to run over. no more leaks and a dry oil free new timing belt!
Oct 20, 8:41pm
wtf, what sort of engine! Ive just stripped down an old euro engine with 475,000kms and now im wondering why I bothered, wil just get new valve guide seals, and a gasket set and will run another 400,000
Oct 21, 12:20am
I agree. I've done a lot, and have very rarely seen any significant groove worn in. Especially at low k's. A couple that have been up around the 3-400k range you can sometimes see a groove.
Oct 22, 1:49pm
like the little daihatsu 3cylinder i just striped down just 2-3 weeks ago clock was close on 180,000bottom crank was passible but the end of your fingernail would disappear into the groove when you ran your finger over the camshaft and it was evident oil was pooling out between seal and cam.is this a result of smaller motors having to work extra hard buggerd if i know.
Oct 22, 1:59pm
if seen groves on toyota cranks to name one 200,000km
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