Should be able to get a kit from one of their dealers, NZdistributor us Isaac Performance Vehicles at Taupo Motorsport Park I believe.
Oct 13, 10:35pm
Probably a k&n cleaning kit would do the trick!
Oct 13, 11:04pm
spray on a foaming detergent like 'Multi', wash under a tap of running water, shake off excess. leave in sun to dry, spray element with WD40 prior to reinstalling, so close to the factory version but 1/4 price.
Oct 13, 11:04pm
The K&N one is a detergent mix to wash away old dirt and oil, then it needs the correct oil , idea is the same for both filters. The oil is red so you can see where is has been done.
Oct 14, 12:34am
good stuff
ill give it go
Oct 14, 12:35am
Why spend money on cleaning products. Buy a new filter.
Oct 14, 1:17am
should fit nicely in the big round bin, then fit a new one as suggested
Oct 14, 5:39am
yea but why fit a new one if its cleanable
Oct 14, 5:42am
because he "cleanable" one is usually not as good as the factory speced throwaway filter.fetches poopcorn and waits!
Oct 14, 1:00pm
Just don't over oil the filter. Although won't matter too much in one of them, but in other cars if ya over oil the filter it will clog up the MAF sensors something chronic. All ya have to worry about on them though is that it might dirty up the throttlebody if ya chuck too much oil on.
Oct 14, 1:52pm
probably because the cleaning products and oil will be half the price of a new filter and they are washable filters
Oct 14, 2:43pm
just as a point of interest, what capacity is the engine that it is fitted to!
Oct 14, 3:41pm
Oct 14, 3:43pm
Way to small in my opinion. drive the carwith it of and see if you get an increase in performance.
Oct 14, 3:47pm
serious !
Oct 14, 3:52pm
I agree.What's the factory filter look like compared to that "performance" filter!
Oct 14, 3:56pm
dont run it without an airfilter
Oct 14, 3:56pm
Reminds me of the old 6 cylinder holden's we used to hacksaw the snorkel off back to the element and get better economy!
Oct 14, 3:57pm
I really don't know because I got the car with the ss cold air induction already fitted
Oct 14, 5:16pm
Of course you can to check performance.We are not suggesting that it be run for ever without a filter.Unless the car is being test driven in rallycross or ina sandstorm a halfhour without a filter will do no harm at all.
Oct 14, 5:18pm
Is taht factory equipment as if so then there will be a factory air filter.If its aftermarket stuff it might all be totally useless and just look good (maybe).
Oct 14, 6:41pm
More correctly, it will do some harm but if driven only for a short time without a filter, that harm will be minimal
Oct 14, 11:34pm
I used to send my filters away for cleaning in the old days and I think they may have been using dry cleaning fluid or something.
Oct 15, 12:54am
What engine is it in the picture!
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