i,ve heardpull them out and spray the fabric with silicon ! any other ideas
Oct 10, 4:06am
the silicon will transfer to your clothes. The best solution is to use a bit of wet and dry to clean out the top of the seatbelt (where it's bolted above your shoulder) it will be gummed up where the belt folds over on the plastic runner
Oct 10, 5:13am
Wash/sponge the webbing with warm water with a tiny bit of mild detergent. Often the upper loop where the belt runs gets built up with dirt, also clean that area - you will be amazed how much builds up - plus also clean the slot where the belt goes into behind the b pillar trim (if its that type) as it will also build up with dirt/dust etc & once clean the belt will retract lots easier
Oct 10, 5:54am
hey manythanks ,its a real pain as the belt on both my cars are starting to get jammed in the car door
Oct 10, 12:25pm
Silicon will attract dirt and grit which will eventually find its way into the mechanism or cause the belt to scuff faster. WOF tester will smell and feel it too and instantly look closer for faults. Bad idea.
Oct 10, 1:32pm
Smelling and feeling for silicon on the seatbelt is not a wof requirement.
Oct 10, 5:41pm
Silicon is a sandy metallic element.
Silicone is a synthetic lubricant among other things.
Oct 10, 6:18pm
LOL. I dunno I heard a rumour that the govt was planning to introduce this to get the older cars of the road. Dont ask me who told me its secret squirrel
Oct 11, 2:13am
Thank goodness they use silicone and not silicon in boobies
Oct 11, 2:52am
Please do share where smell requirements is in the virm, hell most cars would be a fail from a 3m away based on what us avi have to inspect.
Oct 11, 3:00pm
WOW retractable belts thats a good idea
Oct 11, 5:42pm
hi tried this and it helped a bit but still slack to retract thanks
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