1998 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Front pulley slipped off the crank harmonic balancer.
Is this a "simply replace" or can it be reglued/ clipped somehow. Theres no sign of stress on the rubber hence the question of glue/clips etc because I simply don't know how they are attached on this model. Too many variables these days to presume anything
Oct 8, 10:43pm
Outfit called Ring Gear Recovery does em he remoulds it good as new but if you dont even know how one works get another from the wreckers bolt it on all good
Oct 8, 11:04pm
buy a new one cheap enough!
Oct 8, 11:31pm
LOL cheap as chips huh . got a price!
Oct 8, 11:37pm
LOL, Nice good suggestion / lovely put down at the same time Harmonic balancers are pretty basic devices (mostly) it's a SPECIFIC design that may or may not be an easily solvable issue here seeing as I openly admit to NOT having worked on this SPECIFIC engine before .Ok. sweet ;-)
Oct 8, 11:43pm
Tain't nae diff from da ole 18sux/202. Juss go and
!Pick-a-Part! 4a-f!or 4a-g 1600
More likely a 5a in that.1500
Oct 8, 11:50pm
LOL at least the ol 202 rubbers perished before falling off This doesn't even appear to have been glued/bonded hence the questions. Chewed the lip off the end of the sump as well but thats not showing any signs of leaking so not touching that bit. 4a! definitely 1.6ltr (falcon lookalike nose/bug eyed thing)
Oct 9, 12:07am
That will be a 4A FE engine going by the description there. The firewall engine spec tag will tell you exactly what engine it is.
Oct 9, 12:07am
The f denotes one camshaft upstairs driving another via a scissor gear. The g denotes 2 camshafts with 2 camshaft gears up top. Not 100% sure-gadgit would know- But my money would be on using a g harmonic on a g engine- engine code is on the metal tag on the firewall.
Oct 9, 12:09am
Beat cha snoops!
Oct 9, 12:10am
actually !owzit ema1! u moit no2-lol Technicaly crankshaft balanced-but as to wether any 4-A harmonic pulley would do-or the specifics og A and G respectivley! My money would be on !Play it safe-A to A G to G!
Oct 9, 12:11am
Oct 9, 12:12am
Yep thats for that, will have to ring the son & get him to lift it's hood (the car hood/ not the wifes) & have a peak. Today it was 1 of those RPRM days (remote please rescue me)
Oct 9, 12:15am
Good me old mate, not doin a lot just now, layin low due to having a heart attack 3 weeks ago mate. In hospital 3 days & nights & 2 stents later, all good now .in time. Still tickin though which is all good, I have now seen the "other side of the wall" so to speak. How are you these days snoops!
Oct 9, 12:20am
Still tickin as well mate,,,,,,, But Py Korry- ya lucky buggar. They still rekon i'ma heartless B ***d. They can't say that about you any more.
Oct 9, 1:03am
Different view and appreciation of life for sure snoops.Lucky definitely.
Oct 9, 3:04pm
Bump The only engine coding he can find starts with 4a925
Oct 9, 6:25pm
Front engine pulleys are easy to source for the 4A-FE as they are plentiful as all the Corolla AE101 & AE111 models used them . The 4A-GE which isn't as common in NZ new Corollas of those AE101 & AE111 models but as mentioned in my previous post the link shows proof positive of what the engine is there mrfxit . Similar but bigger capacity 7A-FE engines were in this model too but they are 1800cc type. Toyota Parts guys will be able to tell you if they were all the same part number over the 4A-FE lifespan years to be sure you have the correct one for the car you are talking of here, be a good idea to price a new one while you are at it, replacing it would be safer than "regluing" unless it's set up as original but it rubber section no doub't would be "flogged out" to some degree causing a likely imbalance problem if you attempt "regluing!" In saying that if you source a used one make sure it is one from a carfrom near the year of the one you mention, that way you can be pretty much assured of having the same item. One thing for sure they are common and plentiful in this country.
Oct 9, 7:50pm
Repco stock them.ball park figure is $100.00
Oct 9, 9:09pm
Yep thats the bug-ger-eyed pest
Oct 10, 6:12am
Be blardy aware that there are imports of that year with a 5A-
Refer my original post.
4a-f!or 4a-g 1600
More likely a 5a in that.1500
Quotesnoopy221 (303 )5:43 pm, Tue 9 Oct #6 Read it as Damn thang SHOULD be a 4A-F! But. NOWHERE HERE IS IT SPECIFIED AS NON-IMPORT.
Oct 10, 4:30pm
Here ya go Snoops
1998 Make:TOYOTA Model COROLLA Submodel 1.6P GL 5DOOR 4A CC rating:1,587cc Assembly Type NZ Assembled/Built
Oct 10, 10:24pm
4A-FE =1587cc(1.6litre) as I originally said. 5A-FE = 1498cc ( 1.5litre) and imports had that as an option. There were no NZ new Corollas came out with the 5A-FE engines there snoop. That body shape Corolla I put up links of were never fitted with 5A-FE engines. All of the 1998 Toyota Corolla's sold NZ new were CKD units assembled here by Campbell Industries and used 4A-FE(1.6 litre)and optioned with 7A-FE (1.8 litre) engines , some had 4A-GE but they were generallybuilt up & imported ex Japan new, very few infact and only on special order.
Oct 10, 10:42pm
Pity there was originally no reference to "import or NZ new" snoops.but mrfxit's last post clarifies that detail .
Oct 10, 10:54pm
Pity the link was to an EXPIRED classified.dead link when i posted chaps. Would haveloved to see an engine coding of 4a925 ain't seen one of dem yet.
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