Front engine pully/ Harmonic balancer

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ema1, Oct 10, 11:00pm
Yo snoops I too see it's now expired but the pic#18 I referred to was one of the firewall body plate that said engine number 4A-925****and 1587cc ( the **** ) was the rest of the actual engine number. I seen it mate .I seen it. also saw the engine itself in another pic .

snoopy221, Oct 10, 11:54pm
the engine type and capacity on the body plate only ( 4A-FE 1587cc) and no actual individual engine number on the plate per say.

Yip dat da plate dat was referred to Way Back in post#8 by you and
In post #9
by moi.LOL
also has trans code trim level etc.
paint code quite often.

ozz1, Oct 11, 12:05am
$40 totalpostedif you still lookingfor good s/hand unit

ema1, Oct 11, 1:58am
Yep they all have that up to about 1996-7 then only the engine number appears on firewall plate after 1997 it appears.

ema1, Oct 11, 2:05am
That's the way it is in reference to my own Corolla AE101 FX SJ but the one on the 1997 to 2000 NZ new Corolla AE111 only states the engine number - it doesn't actually give the model of the engine though the engine number when used as reference to a Toyota parts dept will signify what model it is,
I found that out on #18 pic of the firewall plate on the link I posted that now has expired, and in the CarJam info of another 1998 Corolla in 2nd link showing a current TradeMe listing (same type car as one in the earlier link and same as mrfxit is dealing with.)

snoopy221, Oct 11, 2:26am
mmkay intriguing and interesting info ema.
Thing is ya usually juss look at the motor and KNOW if it's an F or a G.
!Files info for future reference!

ema1, Oct 11, 2:47am
Now a porch-weeeeelll a 924 is diferrent from a 925.
But yeah engine number. does not denote engine type. family[/quote]

4A is Toyota engine family that's right and the family consists of4A, 4A-C, 4A-L, 4A-LC,4A-ELU,4A-F,4A-FE,4A-FHE-
& 4A-GE.
God knows why Toyota went from showing actual engine type on the firewall plate to only the actual engine number but they have.
Quoting the engine number will make it easier for their parts guys to nail the exact engine.
Quoting the chassis number will too UNLESSthe engine has been replaced/swapped at some stage, same can be said in both cases where the number on the engine itself is the only sure way of knowing what engine you've got if spares are required.
4A-F (carby) up to 1992! 4A-FE (injected) were the most common 4A family Corolla engine used here in NZ produced new cars. 4A-GE is fairly common too but more an imported model.
Import Corolla's had various engines 4A-FE, 4A-GE, the 5A-FE were only in imports.
Some of the other 4A variants were imported also but are comparatively rare in NZ.
NZ new AE101 and AE111Corolla's also had 7A-FE engines (1800cc) as an upmarket option.( Engine number is 7AH11**** on firewall plate.)
Some Toyota specialists and performance guru's have made their own 7A-GE conversion out of the 7A-FE by using the 4A-GE head on the 7A-FE block and use/modify various associated parts to make that conversion possible.
Quite successful too I believe, loads of torque and raw power can be extracted from that conversion yet I haven't seen one in the flesh myself.
Would make an interesting project for those that way inclined!
I'm past doing that sort of stuff now, but I did a bit of BMC hot ups in my day though a la Vizard style, great fun.

snoopy221, Oct 11, 2:58am
a la Vizard style

!David Vizard!
Die grinder.lumpy cam.side draft. and the right extracors.
Those were the days.LOL

ema1, Oct 11, 3:25am
Yep had immense fun with the BMC 'A' engines. Polished and ported and big valves and pretty much as big as you could get a BMC 'A' block to go up to.
Cost to much to do now a days though, besides I'm pretty much past doing that sort of stuff as I said before.
Doesn't stop me being interested though snoops.
Just checking various Corolla's from about 1995 to 2000 engine numbers, it appears the 4A925*** engine number is peculiar to the 1998 and some early 1999 4A-FE in the AE111 models.
Either side of those years the 4A-FE engine numbers have a letter after the 4A part eg 1995 example 4AB88****1996 example 4AL27**** another 1996 example 4AC12**** 1999late! examples 4AM55**** & 4AM50**** and the last year of AE111 production year 2000 examples 4AH74**** & 4AH99****obviously there must be slight changes in spec over the years to produce such a vast variation in the engine number "suffix's"!
So mrfxitI'd be checking with Toyota Parts folks to make doubly sure there are no variations in the crank pulley/damper units over the model ranges of these 4A-FE engines.
If it were me I'd errr on the side of being doubly sure if there are any differences over the years, and quote the engine number you actually have there. Cheers hope that helps .It's been long winded, almost a saga thinking about it.