People who cannot drive but do

awoftam, Oct 22, 2:06am
1.Go 80kms on the open road then speed up to 100 on a passing lane.
2. Overtake like a banshee when I am on cruise control then slow down so I have to brake and putt putt along behind you
3. Go like a mad thing on straights but can't go round corners to save yourself so slow everyone down on windy roads and won't pull over
4. Talk on a cell phone and weave all over the road while doing it
5. Pull out on a main highway in front of traffic happily going along at 100kms and spend 10 minutes getting up to speed; when if you had waited 5 seconds you could have pulled out behind the traffic and had your nanny drive all on your own.

If anyone reading this recognises themselves in any of this list please think about what you are doing. Or stop driving. Merci.

fordcrzy, Oct 22, 2:08am
youve been around KatiKati havent you!

paulap, Oct 22, 2:08am
You must have been on the same roads as me this weekend. Although I have to say good on ya to the bloke in the camper van who pulled over to let cars go in the grotty weather. Shame all the tossers behind him were to chicken to overtakearghhhhhhhh

jason18, Oct 22, 2:13am
OH shit yes! That road from Hamilton to katikati through paeroa and that bloody gorge is horrible. I hate driving through there.

awoftam, Oct 22, 2:15am
All the its on the way to Whangamata.*sobs*

stevo2, Oct 22, 2:18am
Agree there. Some bloody shockers out that way. I drive out to Katikati every day and theres always someone holding up the traffic. Just came back from the coromandel today and there were "Road Maggots" (Campervans) everywhere

awoftam, Oct 22, 2:23am
I don't mind people going at their own (slowish) speed, as long as they are considerate. The items I listed are so common its criminal, I have wondered why there are not more accidents.anyhow, was kinda good to get it off my chest!

grangies, Oct 22, 2:23am!client=opera&rls=en&q=karangahake+gorge&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest

There's no other way through unless you go by air.

People just need to bloody well, SLOW DOWN and RELAX through cliff side roads like the Karangahake gorge.

jason18, Oct 22, 2:25am
Wife had someone pass her on that gorge through a corner the day before our wedding. Shocka!

awoftam, Oct 22, 2:31am
Agree. And people need to show some manners on other roads and not act like it they are the only one on it as per my original post; ignorance creates its own danger.

fryan1962, Oct 22, 2:31am
I had a motorbike try to overtake me through gorge a few weeks ago, a car came the other way he panicked and nearly high sided,crazy but funny.I was not going slow

awoftam, Oct 22, 2:39am
I had an old lady pull out on a road in front of the car in front of me. He slammed on his brakes and had to swerve not to hit her. I stopped, and watched in amazement as she just putted off, oblivious. Speeding drivers are not the only issue. Far from it. I see very few speeding drivers these days; more of the idiot kind.