MY BMW keeps blowing its radiator header tank.

tantric5, Oct 22, 7:49pm
its just blown it for the 3rd time in a year. And it always seems to pick when Im away on holiday.and often when Im out in the back and beyond without cellphone coverage.

Anyway.what could be causing it to blow its head tank! Head gasket! It runs evidence of water in the oil.doesnt blow steam.done 115kms.reg serviced.

I know the radiators are a weak link on E46s.this is the 330

mm12345, Oct 22, 8:01pm
Wrong spec or faulty/blocked radiator cap, stuck thermostat, faulty fan, rooted plastic water pump impeller.

tantric5, Oct 22, 8:57pm
cheers mm

car doesnt overheat.gauge goes from cold on startup to the middle of the guage where it always sits.has lasted 7 months between blowing the last time.cap, thermostat and radiator tanks replaced then.

elect70, Oct 22, 10:16pm
Craprad rebuildgo elswhereor getbrand new . That will be ametal tank ! as they did away with the plasticby thenAFAIK . Do afull sytemflush .