My girl is a z3bmw,I drove over some stones on my driveway,I understandit has to soldier to sort the problem I live in midcanterbery anyadviceon how tosort,thanks
Dec 17, 1:09am
Are you sure!
Driveway stones, have put a hole in your petrol tank!
Dec 17, 1:17am
This will be a big job as the rear suspension will probably need to come out as well as a whole lot of other misc stuff)I can believe that stones on your driveway caused this.
Dec 17, 1:27am
Big job and a i would say a expensive 1 at that.No stone would do that by the way. Could be a hose split.
Dec 17, 1:30am
I have stones on my driveway that weigh anywhere from 50 kilo's to 3or 4 ton. Even the the 50 kg stones would wreck a fuel tank if you were dumb enough to drive over them. It pays not to drivew over the edge of the driveway. :P
Dec 17, 1:51am
ok alan you could be right,tank was full when left home drove 15ksparked up looked underneathand noticed fuel coming out off underneath,noticed fuel gauge dropping back on the way, ok will will put petrol in tomorrow and see what happens thanks for your advice
Dec 17, 1:56am
you know its leaking and you wunna put MORE fuel in and prolong the hazard and let more crap leak all over the roadthat some biker May slip on! good logic right there, if you suspect it leaking, Tow it to a garage and have it looked at.
Dec 17, 3:02am
still gonna leak if its being towed. may as well drive it huh.
Dec 17, 3:07am
Not if he doesnt fill it up! and it will be on the back of the truck, not all over the road !
Dec 17, 4:24am
park car on flat concrete, leave it for a period of time, as you return to car inspect area under vehicle, if there seems to be a puddle light match and throw watching carefully, as gas explodes it will vent away from the hole, if you were watching carefully you will be able to see exactally where the hole was
Dec 17, 12:19pm
If you know where the leak is buy some " need it".Its a grey putty that goes hard when you knead it and will seal the hole even when its wet from the leak.It works Ive used it
Dec 17, 1:32pm
If it was a 30 year old $300 car, sure.
Dec 17, 1:34pm
I have no idea what these cars look like underneath, but a possibility of petrol getting on the hot exhaust pipe.may as well tow it, huh!
Dec 17, 1:40pm
Need it! Putty, Then look for a new tank to replace old one. Then park on road.
Dec 17, 4:00pm
Or buy a car that doesn't have a fuel tank made of cardboard.
Jun 16, 9:10am
Actually mateKNEAD IT is alwayus part of my race tool kit. As a permenant repainr I'd say no but as a temp repair heck its ideal a
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