Been a while since I've been able to put a decent amount of petrol in tank.So as you can imagine crap from the bottom of the tank is up and running thru the jets that make the motor go.Makes for an exciting ride sometimes.How do I clear it,Hada bit of spare cash so filled car up last week with same result. I've used stuff to clear this it was ok for a day or two but car back to coughing and spluttering.
Nov 20, 6:03pm
Ok--theree are a few places you need to go . 1) the fuel tank itself to get rid of said rubbish. but given its now fullthen go to2) the inline fuel filter/filters s will be full of rubbish 3) the carb and carb jets likely have rubbish in them
Nov 20, 6:03pm
Make and model of car! Carb or EFI!
Nov 20, 6:40pm
Nissan Cefiro and where do I find inline fuel filters.
Nov 20, 6:42pm
In the fuel line.
Nov 20, 6:49pm
Ya don't say.Not being a mec would they be (a)under the car or (b)in the motor somewhere.
Nov 20, 7:01pm
Cefiro will be fuel injected, so wont have gunk in the jets causing an issue. Try a replacement filter, will be metal and could be under the car or in the engine bay somewhere. CAUTION: Fuel will be under high pressure and filter MUST be replaced with another metal bodied filter. A plastic filter will turn your car into a mobile BBQ.
Nov 20, 7:12pm
follow the fuel line from the tank . Youll find one or two filters inline
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