Constantly hear of 4x4 owners only getting 20,000 ish kms on a new set of tyres. Those same ppl call their 4x4's "cars" A true 4x4 & even the older SUV's are NOT CARS. Totally different driving style & effects.
My current set of barely wof tyres (when they went on) have been on there for over 30,000kms & STILL pass a wof.
Oct 26, 2:41am
Just talked to a friend who got 6mths out of back tires on her V8 VS Commie. its on 19s and cost $245 each.I guess playing cost money
Oct 26, 3:20am
I got 4 minutes out of a set of rear tyres once.
Oct 26, 3:26am
you're doing something wrong if you can't get 50,000km's out of a set of 4x4 / ute tyres,
Oct 26, 4:10am
Listen to what most ppl these days CALL the 4x4 & SUV's. Even car sale ppl do it. Ppl tend to drive them accordingly to what they call them (as a vehicle class) & THAT is a big reason why they chew tyres
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