The cost of NOT checking tyre pressures/w align

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berg, Oct 24, 12:12am
Friends of ours have same Suzuki Swift sport and both of us looking at tyres at the moment. They got 36,000km tyres out of a set of 4 and when asked about checking tyre pressures/wheel alignment they said "it gets done when its serviced".
I keep a very good eye on our car's tyre pressures and it gets wheel alignment checked if either of us hit anything serious on the road (big holes, timber etc) which hasn't needed doing since the last set were put on.
By rotating the first set we got 83,000kms before they needed replacing (done before the legal minimum reached) and a further 55,000kms on the fronts are due again now (didn't rotate this time as I wanted to only buy 2 tyres at a time)
When you are talking $265 per tyre the difference between their tyre costs and ours really stack up. The rear tyres on our car are still less than half worn as the Swift doesn't punish it's rears.
Just thought some might be interested, as you were.

splinter67, Oct 24, 12:17am
well done berg thats great millage out of a settyres. cornering speed has a lot to do with wear as well

vtecintegra, Oct 24, 12:22am
It does depend on where you live and how you drive

BTW I know of one that got less than 20,000 of a set of fronts, lots of corners leading up to the house it lives at

berg, Oct 24, 12:23am
Lol, we may just have the tickets to say it doesn't get driven slow lol.

vtecintegra, Oct 24, 12:25am
But I'll bet it spends a lot of time on fairly straight, or at least gently curved roads

berg, Oct 24, 12:27am
Bottom half of the North Island but interestingly enough both cars are on similar runs.

kingfisher21, Oct 24, 12:44am
Same brand and type of tyre with similar manufacture dates!

stevo2, Oct 24, 12:44am
I got 15,000km out of a pair of Aquajets on the rear once:(

40wav, Oct 24, 12:56am
I may be missing something, but why would you put tyres costing $265 each on something like a Swift!

berg, Oct 24, 12:57am
Both running Dunlop Sportmax. As for the age, hmmm, not sure. Thing is, you can see the tread wear on theirs, not even like ours but inner and outter edges chewed off due to low pressure and poor alignment. Original post wasn't a "look at how good I am" more just an advisory about checking tyre pressures and wear regularly

berg, Oct 24, 12:59am
Try pricing good quality 195/50/16 especially on a car that your wife drives big kms every year with. Not interested in putting cheap and nastys on it

r15, Oct 24, 1:02am
Ditch them for some 17s. The savings will pay for the wheels in a couple of sets

berg, Oct 24, 1:07am
Thought about that this time round but will update to a new Swift next year so not too worried. Now if I could find a cheap set of Roh VZs to replace the 16s on my Commonwhore, that's a different story

40wav, Oct 24, 2:34am
Fair enough, didn't realise they'd be 16s.

pdc1, Oct 24, 2:58am
sometimes it comes down to poor driver technique.which is really common in NZ. and the driver has no knowledge of this, or indeed they already consider themselve a exceptional driver.

johnf_456, Oct 24, 4:02am
+1 not to mention piece of mind for wet weather driving.

chook90, Oct 24, 4:40am
For much the same reason you put your seat belt on - tyres are the only thing keeping the car on the road. Try a serious emergency stop on cheap and nasty tyres VS the same stop on an upper mid range tyre and the stopping distance is astounding - quite frankly it is the difference between "shite that was close" and lying in the back of an ambulance.

thetyredepotnz, Oct 24, 5:03am
$265 for 195 50 16 tyre!made of gold!

edited after I saw its a dunlop.

mgmad, Oct 24, 5:51am
I started reading this and thought "36,000 km for a set of tyres, that'd be nice."

pollymay, Oct 24, 8:59am
I can get negative mileage if I do burnouts in reverse.

jason_247, Oct 24, 12:51pm
i got 5000kms out of the rears on my bmw
brand new when i bought the car just had wheel alingment etc

turns out the muppet did the alignment and put 2.5' camber on the back with about 3 degrees toe in, said it was factory spec

desmodave, Oct 24, 2:09pm
6500km out of a front set on an Audi a4 isnt so good then.

kiwi_fisherman, Oct 25, 6:47am
Got 84000 km out of factory fitted Goodyear wranglers fitted to my Jeep Grand Cherokee limited. The tread depth was actually 12mm as well as the spare was new and still in the rear well. At 84000 I had 3 new Wranglers fitted and decided to use the spare. Bet the NZ ones don't do another 84000

splinter67, Oct 25, 3:50pm
yes +10000000000000000

tigra, Oct 25, 7:11pm
I live up a very windey hill road and it always amuses me how fast people drive - particularly down hill, accelerating between corners. I'm sure most of them get very little life out of tyres and pads.