Nissan Pulsar Issues

ice13, Oct 25, 11:31pm
Hi experts, I got a 98 Pulsar about six months ago and had the common pulsar issues with missing and nearly cutting out,rough idle etc, ended up changingthrottle bodies(2), fuel pump, fuelfilter, found two injectors were partly blocked had them changed and ran better for awhile but not what you would say smooth. Put in in for a service recently had the throttle body cleaned and injectors cleaned at the same time ,ran like a new car , smooth as for about two weeks now it's missing again badly when it's hot never in the morning but on the way home from work when it warms up it's a dog, feels like it's going to cut out when it's trying to idle, shakes the car! . Thinking it might be a sensor not working which ones should I look out for or any ideas! Thanks in advance.

jmma, Oct 25, 11:38pm
What fuel are you using!

ice13, Oct 25, 11:42pm
Only use 98

andrea_w, Oct 26, 12:37am
Have you tried cleaning/replacing the AFM! Common problem on them
Or is that the engine with the AFM within the throttle body!
The type of engine your Pulsar has will probably help the diagnosis :)

ice13, Oct 26, 12:48am
GA15de engine in the pulsar pretty sure everything was stripped down and cleaned/replacedfirst time when it had the other work done ,thanks

mantagsi, Oct 26, 12:53am
Having very similar issues with one of these too, GA15DE, AFM in the throttle body. At light throttle it goes well, push a bit harder and it bogs terribly! Cured bad idle/missing with new plugs, rotor & dizzy cap + clean major oil leak out of dizzy & do seal, but hmm still runs like a hairy dog. Bloody nissan. Andrea_w, whats your sage advice on GA15DE's with the AFM in the throttle body! Cheers :)

teejay2, Oct 26, 1:01am
crank angle sensor.worth a try, there was a recall for those pulsars a few years ago for a crank angle sensor fault

ice13, Oct 26, 1:06am
Ok thanks for that where abouts would the crank angle sensor be located ! thanks

mantagsi, Oct 26, 1:07am
I see in the dizzy body there is a chopper wheel and sensor; is this fella functioning as the CAS or is it purely for the purposes of ignition! Cheers :) I do know when I cleaned the oil and shitty bits out of the chopper wheel and sensor, it did help lots!

teejay2, Oct 26, 2:25am
sorry, I have no idea, I took mine into nissan when the recall happened.a thought though, if it is a new zealand new pulsar, try ringing your local nissan dealer and seeing if they have your vehicle on the database and see if it was fixed through the recall!

tmenz, Oct 26, 2:39am
Intermittent coil-pack!

mm12345, Oct 27, 2:37am
That would be truly amazing, as the GA15DE doesn't have a crank angle sensor.

ice13, Oct 27, 2:41am
Thanks for that do you have any other suggestions what I should be looking for! thanks

mm12345, Oct 27, 2:51am
Yes - it's a cam angle sensor.Did you replace the seal!(it's a sh!tty job to get the drive gear off - and you need to go a a transmission shop supplier to get a replacement seal - same size as some speedo drive seals).
If you've had the dizzy apart, then you know that there's a few fragile parts in there.If it's been soaking in oil, then the coil could be rooted.
Symptoms do sound like the MAF sensor in the throttle body to me.If you're handy, you can fix that for free.It's almost always dry solder joints between the MAF socket and circuit board.You can cut the sealant around the aluminium plate, carefully lever the plate out, re-solder it the wires, give the MAF hot wire and temp sensor a clean with an artist's brush and some carb cleaner.Glue the cover back down with RTV.Easy - I've done it without even removing the throttle body.

mm12345, Oct 27, 3:02am
The part where you mentioned that it only happens when hot rings very familiar bells - indicating MAF dry-solder joints.Expansion/contraction of the unit causes this problem - intermittent - stop and let it cool down, and you're on your way - once it gets hot again, it craps out.
I know you've replaced the throttle body, but it wouldn't surprise me if the second one crapped out.
Could be something else of course, but.

ice13, Oct 27, 3:11am
Ok thanks for that when I went for a drive today it felt like it was slightly missing at 100 km/h and as soon as I stopped it idled sweet like nothing was wrong almost opposite what I had the day before! Just frustrating trying to nail what it could be thanks for your help

mm12345, Oct 27, 3:28am
Perhaps two problems, intermittent MAF as above, higher speed miss perhaps plugs / cable / coil, but look for oil under the dizzy as reported by mantagsi above - if it's bad you'll probably see some oil sitting on the top of the trans bell-housing.

mm12345, Oct 27, 3:28am
Perhaps two problems, intermittent MAF as above, higher speed miss perhaps plugs / cable / coil, but look for oil under the dizzy as reported by mantagsi above - if it's bad you'll probably see some oil sitting on the top of the trans bell-housing where it drips down.These are common issues with this motor.

ice13, Oct 27, 3:46am
Cool thanks for that I will check out re dizzy in the morning and might look at changing plugs , cables and coil as well just as precaution , cheers

mm12345, Oct 27, 4:06am
The coil/ignitor unit is in the dizzy - it is not really supposed to be a replaceable part - Nissan will want to sell you a new dizzy for $1500 (ROFL) Unless the internal oil seal in the dizzy is rooted, so that the internals are soaked in oil, then leave it alone - concentrate on plugs and leads etc.
If the dizzy is rooted, then you're going to need to find one at a wreckers, or try to salvage the old one - but it's a fiddly difficult job.

philltauranga, Oct 27, 2:18pm
Moisture or crap in fuel tank! You say injectors blocked, so maby needs fuel tank drained and flushed. Check the fuel filter, if it was replaced but now has crap in it you may need to drain and clean the fuel tank.
One of my cars was intermitintly cutting out from fuel starvation, turns out was particles in fuel tank blocking pickup line, turn key off and pump would drop the particles back into tank and would be fine for a while then pick them up again and starve of fuel again.
Blocked injectors as you say could mean crap in fuel tank.

ice13, Oct 27, 4:39pm
Thanks for that will look into that as well.cheers

ceebee2, Oct 27, 11:00pm
It's almost always dry solder joints between the MAF socket and circuit board. You can cut the sealant around the aluminium plate, carefully lever the plate out, re-solder it the wires, give the MAF hot wire and temp sensor a clean with an artist's brush and some carb cleaner. Glue the cover back down with RTV. Easy - I've done it without even removing the throttle body.

+1 Done a few now.really common.