Nissan engine GA15-566073E cambelt or timingchain?

legaxy, Nov 10, 5:35pm
Hey, wondering if anyone with more accurate information can tell me whether this engine (in a 1997 Nissan Lucino) has a timing chain or a cambelt.

According to the spec sheet and all other information on the car, the engine model/number is GA15-566073E, I obviously don't know enough to know if that is the same as a GA15-E, which has a timing chain from what I've found.

jasongroves, Nov 10, 7:19pm
Yep, chain driven.

legaxy, Nov 10, 8:05pm
Cheers, that's a huge relief.

ginga4lyfe, Nov 10, 8:16pm
dont be fooled though, timing chains do need to be replaced every now and then too

legaxy, Nov 10, 9:57pm
Yeah, I imagine they will stretch slightly or just plain wear out, I'm at 160,000km, still fairly safe to continue with regular maintenance for now!

morrisman1, Nov 10, 10:04pm
The chains on those are pretty good, the tensioners wear out at over double that milage but poor servicing could make it happen earlier.

icemans1, Nov 10, 10:18pm
are there any nissans with a cambelt!

jasongroves, Nov 10, 10:24pm
Yep, many.

jasongroves, Nov 10, 10:26pm
Most common would have to be the RB series engines.

mm12345, Nov 10, 10:48pm
Yep.1997 engine model # is probably GA 15 DE (dohc/port fuel injection).The single cam GA15E would have been 1995 or earlier.
I've got one with about 200,000km.Chain is still quiet / good. Auto trans is also still good. Problems have been oil leaks (front seal - easy, rear seal - a big job, distributor - can be pulled apart and seals replaced for $5, AFM - can be cut open, resoldered and re-sealed).
Horrible cars, but pretty reliable and cheap to fix.

mantagsi, Nov 11, 1:18am
I believe these engines get a little petulant if you get too slack with oil changes, overall seem pretty average really

mm12345, Nov 11, 5:59pm
Aye - that goes for all cars really.
An indication of reliability of these old drays (Nissan with GA15DE) is that they were hugely popular with "rent a wreck" firms.

manu, May 14, 12:29am
La cadena de distribuci?n del GA16 le sirve(Funciona) a el GA15?