I had a nice slo-mo (less than 30ks) bump about 10 mths ago. I was at fault-drove into the holden wagon in front. All it seemed to do at the time was split a bit of the bottom of the bumper. I never bothered to get it checked(excess and all).
I took it for a warrant a couple of months later, and it passed-just needed tyres.
Got it back from the mechanics today-same place I always go. Fail.
Chassis damage and bumper strut damage.
The workshop was good about it, they checked thru the previous records-but the mechanic that passed it has now left the business.
Now, I know its my own fault for not getting it checked out, but anyone got any idea of what sort of costs involved! The minute I heard panel beater needed, and chassis-$ signs start appearing.
Nov 9, 12:36am
Can you post a pic of the damage (chassis, not the bumper)!
Nov 9, 12:49am
First thing is - did you claim 3rd party to have the other car fixed, and do you have total cover! If all this applies, you have grounds to go back to your Insurance Co.
If not - panelbeaters are one of the lowest charge out/paid trades around, or do you want us to extend our charity to you as well as the Insurance Co's!
You drive a car - you pay the costs.
You want to know how much! Take it to a panelbeater who can look at it in the flesh. That's the only accurate way. Maybe some photo's might help, but touching is much better.
Nov 9, 12:53am
something sounds wrong , i would also like the picture of the chassy damage !
Nov 9, 12:55am
Hi Lookoutas
By no means was I wanting to get scrimp on paying Panelbeaters-its just a very average car, so was more wondering if it was worth doing it.I've heard about what companies like the AA insurance are doing to panelbeaters in regards to margins etc.
I did go thru the insurance co as I accepted liability.
The accident was so long ago now tho, is it worth the hassle!The warrant report said there was oil leaking from the engine too :(
Nov 9, 12:57am
oil leaking is no wof fail unless its on to exhaust or brakes
Nov 9, 1:12am
If you are fully insured, go back to them and tell them you hadn't realised you sustained any damage until now someone has finally seen it. Well worth a punt. How long ago!
Forget the oil leak.
Nov 9, 4:13pm
Righto, took to the panelbeaters today, guy was great. He couldnt believe it got a warrant before now.
700-800 bucks +gst ball park.
Might try the insurance route and see what they say.
Nov 9, 4:41pm
did you get a wof at vtnz with the damage!
Nov 9, 5:38pm
Hi Intrade,
No-that was the first thing the panel beater asked. Local mechanics, who are familiar with the car-although the particular mechanic that passed it-no longer working there :(
The workshop has been really good to me, always quick, efficent, friendly and well priced. I'm quite gutted they missed it though to be honest.
If insurance doesnt work out.wreckers or sell it as is!
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