$15,000 : Merc E500, 300C, Audi A6, BMW 745

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gman35, Nov 14, 5:50pm
Well said , to me they do give the (usually 40yr+ , beer gut owner) a "look at me in my gangsta car" , or "I don't know anything about suspension or build quality" look.

tigra, Nov 14, 6:18pm
You people all have it wrong. A REA with a flash car is just trying to look more successful than he really is. Go with the REA that is driving a budget car, they need the sale and might encourage the vendor to accept your low offer.

edangus, Nov 14, 6:46pm
Or perhaps. I like loud, shouty, obnoxious, oversized vehicles, that are thirsty to run and spirited to drive.
The 300C has a far superior build quality to its Australian counterparts. I mean it does have and E Class Chassis and is built in Austria. To elude that is anywhere near the class of a BMW or Merc is just laughable. Its a damn good match for the OZ V8s though.

bwg11, Nov 14, 8:03pm
Agree totally. Those thirsty old Euro shitters (will the posible exception of the A6) just scream wannabe. To me, the only BMW or Merc to have street cred has to be less than five years old. Gives some indication the agent is reasonably successful, and I want a suiccessful agent to sell my property, not some unsuccessful wannbe. I know a little about the industry and it is said that 20% of the agents sell 80% of the property, so it is very important to use a top agent.

elect70, Nov 14, 8:18pm
REagent driving aoldcarmay show they arent successfull . Perception is everything Last agent I dealt with had aQ7

michaelqian, Nov 15, 3:50am
Get a E39 BMW. They are phenomenally awesome cars. Most opinion polls rate them as the best designed Sedan of all time. The E39 is the 1996-2003 BMW 5 series. You can get a 2003 model for around that price range. I would get a 530i as it combines performance with economy. The 540i is more thirsty and an overkill for NZ roads. Anything below a 525i I think is under-powered and would feel quite heavy taking off from a red light.

outbidyou2, Nov 15, 4:10am
re agents are such try-hards. I'm up the nose of one at the mo and loving it

edangus, Nov 15, 1:30pm

hawat, Nov 15, 2:58pm
The E500 and A6 are mid size. The 745 is large and I think the 300C is large too. Apples with oranges.

michaelqian, Nov 15, 3:09pm
Also the E39 are generally very reliable cars. They have set of known problems that comes with age, but otherwise nothing else really goes wrong with them if they are well looked after. Known problems include the cooling system, make sure this has been replaced before you buy one. Also oil leaks are common in the valve cover gasket, oil filter housing gasket, and pressure control valve.

hawat, Nov 15, 10:12pm
guy at work has got a c320 coupe. really lovely car. Unless you have big kids or a lot of them it would do just as well as an e500. Not as much go as 500 but still good for sub 7 second 0-100km

gusthe1, Nov 16, 12:25am
I would recommend some kind of people mover as they come with excellent indoor/outdoor flow.

supernova2, Nov 16, 1:29am
Ostentatious vehicles for commission salespersons of any type are the worst thing you can own IMHO.My thinking is - I'm paying you too much for whatever you are trying to sell me if you can afford a status symbol like that.Without being rude a commission salesperson is simply a leech.The transaction could occur just as well and sometimes better without the saleperson at all.

dr.doolittle, Nov 16, 1:31am
Think of the salesperson as 'the lubricant' in the relationship.

supernova2, Nov 16, 1:35am
I know a very successful agent and he owns anew falcon s/w.Know of another who hada BMW and couldn't get rid of it fast enough.He now has a Accord euro.Dealt with an agent the other day who has a "new" beetle that looks like it came from the scrap yard and was last washed 300 years ago.Agent presented about the same and was about as effective as a DKW from the 60's.