Is it common for new brakes to give off alot of smoke after a drive!
Nov 17, 8:40pm
NO !either your not conditioning the pads properly or the grease monkey that did the job has left his dirty little paw prints on the new parts, or worst off, the job is a botch up !things like the floating caliper pins are stuck, or wrong pads or etc etc. who did the work !
Nov 17, 8:49pm
smoking could also be pad binding on the rotors . or grease and oil on the rotors. pad material burning
Nov 17, 9:28pm
Did you clean the oil residue off the new rotors! You need to clean them well with Brakleen or similar. If you didn't the new pads will now be contaminated.
Nov 18, 12:21am
Most likely seized caliper slides or piston, or both.
Nov 18, 5:21am
Depends on who did them.
Nov 18, 1:16pm
Penrose motors done the work.
Nov 18, 1:19pm
Then talk to them about your issue.
Nov 18, 6:12pm
What sort of car!
Nov 18, 6:34pm
Don't panic like the girls above.
If the brakes perform fine (not pulling to one side, stopping well etc.),
and they're not grabbing (push car by hand on flat surface when hot),
and the smoking has now gone away.
all is fine.
Nov 18, 7:04pm
+1 Especially if new vented rotors were fitted or the old ones were machined.
Nov 18, 7:35pm
+2. I'ts not uncommon for brakes to produce a little smoke when bedding in.
Nov 18, 7:41pm
Indeed , especially when new rotors are installed , even when good value brake cleaner is used before installation they norm smoke for a short while ,IMO
Nov 18, 7:44pm
A fix for this situation is remove the wheels and calipers clean the rotors properly then drive for a few kms with foot lightly pressed on brakes followed by a few hard braking stop starts then the contaminates should have cooked off ,
Nov 18, 8:18pm
donttake any notice of some of the dribble above, take it back and get it checked
Nov 18, 8:26pm
a drive-needs to be defined to answer this. If it's a hard lap around pukekohe on new brakes not bedded in then yip-she'll be !Smokin!
Nov 18, 9:08pm
Taking it back and getting it checked if you're still worried is good advice.
Nov 18, 10:10pm
good on ya bellky
Nov 18, 10:22pm
Dare I ask what qualifications and or experience you have in the motor industry!
Nov 19, 4:08pm
Dribble!, Just offering advice! But yes of course you could always have them re checked ,But this technique works in the event that they are asses and dont fix the issue ,
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