Knock in the engine.

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springchicken6, Nov 17, 11:51pm
Noise described as a "pinking noise" and the engine light is on. What could this be! TIA

intrade, Nov 17, 11:52pm
a male function. i would guess. BE GOOD to know wot car you talk about!

cowlover, Nov 17, 11:54pm
From the lack of information my guess is there is something wrong.Did that help!
Make model, engine fuel type etc is essential to try and help you.

mechnificent, Nov 18, 12:01am
Best to get it to a mechanic. sounds fatal to me. I'll bet they had had that diagnosed before they decided they couldn't afford to fix it.

My guess would be that there is a mechanical problem inside the motor. I doubt that any amount of tuning or fitting of new parts on the outside is going to fix that. mainly based on the circumstances.

springchicken6, Nov 18, 12:02am
thats what I'm thinking, if they can afford the car in the first place, it must be a hell of a "knock" to be unable to afford to fix it. Oh well onto the next one. Can't take it to a mechanic I live at opposite end of island lol

scoobeey, Nov 18, 12:08am
Malefunction CLASSIC LOL haha

rob_man, Nov 18, 12:25am
Yep, why not a female function! They knock sometimes.

cypherboy, Nov 18, 4:44pm
OP that is a DD engine, back slowly away from the ticking time bomb. Not worth it.

neville106, Nov 18, 5:17pm
Myguesswiththecreckenginelighton.Thattheelectronicshavegoneintoclosedloopfunction. Thisgivesyou abasicengineperformancetogetyoutoagarageandfordiagnostictests.
Dontdrivearoundtofafandtolong oryoucouldpossiblydamagetheengine.

mechnificent, Nov 18, 6:05pm
Neville, closed loop is when the sensors are feeding back into the ecu and causing self regulation of the running conditions, like how the O2 sensor works.
The light stayingon, as opposed to coming on for a few minutes then going off again, or flashing,generally indicates that there is a problem that is an environmental hazard, like a misfire, or a fuel tank venting problem.
The light being on in itself does not cause "limp mode", depending on what is wrong, it may or not go into limp mode.
Limp mode is to prevent engine damage, something like a fouled spark plug will generally not cause limp mode.

splinter67, Nov 18, 6:54pm
so mechnificent as you can diagnose problems over the internet what is the problem! and how would you fix it

mechnificent, Nov 18, 7:26pm
I'm not answerable to you Splinter. I've given my thoughts on this matter. I'm not even trying to diagnose this one. I suspect that the knock is piston slap or bearing knock since they say the noise comes from the front of the motor.
A mechanic will be able to tell whether the noise is the cause or the result in a few minutes, and since the poster hasn't bought the vehicle, there is no point trying to go to far with it.

But tell me Splinter, what makes you so certain that mechanics can't diagnose problems over the air!
Lot's of problems get diagnosed in here, and in lots of other forums. If you are a mechanic you would know how diagnostics get done, and if you aren't a mechanic, why would you be telling us mechanics what we are and aren't capable of!

And. are you a mechanic Splinter!

splinter67, Nov 18, 7:39pm
Yes I amsois it a pinking noise or a knock you wouldn't have a clue would you because you haven't heard it or seen it strangely enough you are the only one on here that can diagnose a car that they haven't seen by the way your just guessing

mechnificent, Nov 18, 8:18pm
You're an angry man Splinter.

What's eating you!

chebry, Nov 18, 8:28pm
Some of this junk really should be left in Japan

splinter67, Nov 18, 8:32pm
Nothing as I reread your post nothing on here is diagnosed its some guys guessing at what the problems are Anyway seeing as you are the man whats wrong with my injectors cant seem to get it to run perfectly no pinking or knocking noises

v8power, Nov 18, 8:37pm
How about you two get a room!

Many issues CAN be diagnosed over the net providing the correct information is given but there are a lot of faults that one CANNOT and SHOULD NOT attempt to diagnose.

Your both right and your both wrong. Your also not doing the OP any favours with your bickering so get over yourselves and either provide the OP with some decent advice or start your own thread on your arguement.

splinter67, Nov 18, 8:38pm
dont go anywhere near it there you go v8power happy now

v8power, Nov 18, 8:41pm
Almost splinter. Perhaps OP might like to know why not to go near it. I certainly would, can't say I'm an expert with these and fancy a good technical read.

mechnificent, Nov 18, 8:50pm
I'm not bickering Power, and I don't think I've been wrong either. point me to it though if I have been wrong.

splinter67, Nov 18, 8:56pm
No tech answer for ya but theres a reason youd sell a $10000 car for 6k probably because it going to cost heaps of $ to fix it as for the I cant afford to fix it but I can drop 3.5k on it what do you make of that

v8power, Nov 18, 8:59pm
The wrong comment was in terms of being able to diagnose faults over internet. Your wrong and right at the same time as not all faults can be diagnosed without physically having the veh there. This is off topic though.

v8power, Nov 18, 9:01pm
I do agree that the seller perhaps has a little more info than letting on. That is a large price reduction unless they are filthy rich and 3.5k means nothing to them.

The "what do I make of that" comment is not required. I'm not here to wind you up are argue, was a valid questions as I thought you might have some knowledge on common faults, nothing more nothing less.

splinter67, Nov 18, 9:06pm
sorry dude you have got me wrong not trying to wind you up either and no I dont know any common faults with these cars

mechnificent, Nov 18, 9:06pm
Oh I agree with you absolutely.
I have been in a few threads though where Splinter has come in and called those trying to help "clowns" and he keeps on asserting that things can't be diagnosed over the air.

I know what I can and can not diagnose over the air.

That's why I was asking how come he thinks nobody can diagnose things!