Motor Vehicle Disputes Trubunal Ruling

bwg11, Nov 18, 7:43pm

supernova2, Nov 19, 2:55am
Shouldn't the breakdown policy have covered the cost of repairs!

smac, Nov 19, 1:13pm
Yep, and would have. She WAS getting screwed around, but rather than escalate that through the repairer/dealer, she chose to drive on.then finally went elsewhere for repair. That's where she went wrong. She simply should have stayed on their case until they gave her a working car.

mm12345, Nov 19, 2:15pm
Here's the tribunal decision:!query=audi
"The purchaser also bought a 36 month Link mechanical breakdown warranty at a cost of $1,895"

What is a "Link" warranty!I've never heard of it, and google doesn't help.It costs $ to "lawyer up", but I think if she'd got better advice and handled it properly, the dealer would have been screwed.She stuffed up.

supernova2, Nov 19, 3:52pm
What requirement is there when a breakdown warranty is involved to take the car back where you bought it!Most warranty matters can be dealth withy by any approved workshop.

If the warranty is a "normal" one should not the claim be against the warranty rather than the dealer!

mm12345, Nov 19, 4:39pm
Yes.But what is the nature of the "Link" warranty.It surprises me that it's not really mentioned in the tribunal report.
Sound like this warranty was a scheme run by the dealer themselves, offering little or no protection over what the buyer would have been afforded by consumer protection laws anyway, so a waste of $1800, much like the "extended warranty" scams being run by the major appliance chains.

trdbzr, Nov 19, 5:09pm
A dog-shit-gearbox causing expensive problems . she must be imagining the whole problem

pauliewaulie, Nov 19, 5:12pm
Link warranty was an aftermarket mechanical warranty sold through Motor vehicle traders.
They were part of a bigger insurance group that went into receivership i believe.
So i suggest that Link warranty probably not worth the booklet it was printed in!

taurus61, Nov 19, 8:48pm
Or could it be you are imagining 2005 A4's had DSG

supernova2, Nov 19, 9:16pm
Hmmso would that make the dealer liable for a refund of premium as "goods not fit for purpose"!Interesting concept.

kevymtnz, Nov 19, 9:41pm
strange cose my case was accepted similer case
brought car notice it used alot of fuel and after a few days had a miss passing 3,000rpm
from 5 days to the next 2 weeks returned and rang the guy 3x
then at week 4 put it through a daignostic to find airflow sensor faulty
part $300 + labour =$450
refused to pay when to DT and accepted within 1st reading-
i think in her case time was to long more than anything

smac, Nov 19, 9:50pm
Nothing similar about those two cases.

jkm, Nov 19, 9:56pm
But they both involve cars.