1993 isuzu bighorn 3.1l, losing the water from radiator and resoivour over a couple of days no sign of water in engine bay or on garage floor after being driven dont know where it could possibly be going help please. cheers craigie .
Nov 19, 9:58pm
do you got propper antifreeze in the cooling system! and is it a diesel or petrol!
Nov 19, 9:59pm
You may have a small split in a radiator pipe that leaks under pressure
Nov 19, 10:47pm
diesel cant see a split has me stumped
Nov 19, 11:05pm
First thing to check it the radiator cap.
Nov 19, 11:38pm
yea and has it got coolant in there ! the secound time!
Nov 19, 11:58pm
intrade it's losing all it's water so have to keep filling it up so it's lost all the coolant what do I check the radiator cap for!
Nov 20, 12:01am
na it wont be that then. i would say its loosing the water when it warms up run it warm in the garage and whatch where the water goes. also check inside the vehicle its not dumping it inside the car on a broken heater element .
Nov 20, 12:03am
cheers guys for the info cheers craigie
Nov 20, 10:24pm
If the radiator cap is faulty and not holding pressure.the water will overflow out the top when the engine is hot. Easy to check.when the engine is COLD the top radiator hose will be soft to squeeze. When it's HOT it will be hard to squeeze. If still soft to squeeze when hot, the radiator cap is faulty and needs replacing.
Nov 20, 10:33pm
he said it lost the lot so its got to be more then just pushing out from a faulty cap. waterpump seal that leaks when engine warms up will dump the whole lot out for example. but yes nzeva thats correct too . for loosing some water
Nov 20, 10:40pm
as intrade and curlcrown suggested,check the heater isn't leaking inside the cab, then check the oil dip stick for oil contaminated by water ( oil turns grey - white ) then replace the radiator cap ( which i suspect is the cause. what do you think sr2 !
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