LVV suspension drawings

socram, Nov 20, 3:15pm
I gather that certifiers now need a set of drawings to accompany the application, when the suspension/steering has been modified.

Does anyone know what drawings they actually want/need!

Workshop has done me a set of engineering drawings for all angles, measurements etc.Certifier can inspect for mechanical work of course, but what should the drawings include!Do they need to specify the materials!better still, is anyone able to show a copy that has been approved!

I gather that they have to be sent to a committee for approval and at this late stage, I don't want extra delays, with Christmas looming.

fastelmo, Nov 20, 3:45pm
Best thing to do is to ask the certifier, if he can't helpthen try the LVVTA.

clanky, Nov 20, 5:40pm
You need to look at LVVTA Info Tech Bulletin 3 - Scratch-built A-arm IFS at

socram, Nov 21, 12:57am
Thanks.I've emailed LVVTA.My lap top doesn't seem to like their website.