2000 Citroen Xsara indicators not self cancelling

phillip.weston, Nov 21, 5:50pm
Hey guys looking at a 2000 Xsara 2.0 16V 5spd to purchase but has a few little niggly issues. One being that the indicators don't self cancel and the other is the tacho does not read accurately (it reads approx 1/3 its actual RPMs). I would imagine the tacho would probably be a faulty instrument cluster and short of replacing capacitors hoping to fix the problem, it would be best to replace the whole cluster outright.

My main question is what is involved with removing the air bag steering wheel in order to gain access to the indicator switch assembly behind it!


curlcrown, Nov 21, 5:53pm
Are Mitsubishis to reliable for you!

phillip.weston, Nov 21, 6:12pm
Haha thanks I now have to clean up the mess of coffee.

I can't find a single damn Mitsubishi I am interested in here in Australia! They're all Magnas or crummy Mirage/Lancers. Galants or any semi-interesting models barely exist.

I'm no stranger to the PSA family and this Xsara has come up for a good price so thought I would jump on it. Unfortunately there isn't a huge variance of cars to choose from here and most second hand cars are overpriced due to the higher demand for a used car - and yet they sell brand new Kias and Hyundais for $12k!

fiatracer, Nov 21, 6:46pm
it's ok Philip - loads of my Citroens' indicators didn't cancel either.

saxman99, Nov 21, 7:44pm
Does that Xsara have the same COM2000 unit that the Pugs have!If so they're a very common problem, and one of the faults is indicators that fail to cancel.I'm told the only fix is replacement, although perhaps a skilled DIYer might have some luck with a strip and bodge.

saxman99, Nov 21, 7:44pm
Does that Xsara have the same COM2000 unit that the Pugs have!If so they're a very common problem, and one of the faults is indicators that fail to cancel.I'm told the only fix is replacement, although perhaps a skilled DIYer might have some luck with a strip and bodge.

Can't comment on the Citroen but on the Pug 307 the airbag etc. is easily enough off and on.

intrade, Nov 22, 3:52am
now that is the worst peace of crap you could ever buy. Have somone stand in the corner on the right hand side and you wont see him there is about 1 meter of blind corner on these pile of crap that you cant see people unless you seriously start moving your whole body to see past the obstructing large A pilars.
Plus there is absolut 0 legroom for passanger on the rear seat. plus the boot is way smaller then it looks also. its like the multipla turned inside out .
also rubish automatic and electronic problems on these poo fighters.
and it uses fuel like you wont beleave on the petrol .

chebry, Nov 22, 3:57am
Citroen Xsara is a modified Pug 306 though it has no direct Pug equivalent and the wiring is different eliminating most of the 306 bugs. Ive got a 98 diesel and have no idea how to remove the airbag.

doctor_evil99, Nov 22, 5:59am
phillip.weston, there's a guy in Woolcock street, Kelvin Grove - I think it's call DS Motors (I walk pass his workshop everyday).He's a old fashioned Citroen Specialist, seems to be a friendly guy.You could ask him.

chebry, Nov 22, 5:34pm
My 98 Xsara had the indicator/light switches inpods either side of the steering column with easily accessable screws to remove the covers so any repairs can be effected Why is yours different the whole assembly is Generic PSA my 2.1 406 had the same dashboard and controls

phillip.weston, Nov 22, 7:04pm
That's not the car I'm looking at. That's an Xsara Picasso while I'm looking at a normal Xsara.


phillip.weston, Nov 22, 7:05pm
Thanks very much! Gather you're based north side! I'm living in West End and work in Woolloongabba. Loving Brisbane.

phillip.weston, Nov 22, 7:06pm
Thanks mate hopefully it is as simple as replacing the stalk and not something like the pawl worn out on the steering wheel itself.

splinter67, Nov 22, 7:16pm
Ive driven chebrys Xsara for a little car they handle blimmen well seems to stick like you know what to a blanket gets along alright for a four cylinder diesel turbo havent been passed in it yet taking it to welly tomorrow not a v8 but costs a quarter to run

phillip.weston, Nov 22, 7:29pm
yeah ideally I would want a diesel 5spd Xantia or 406 but they are thin on the ground here and hard to find in good condition for a reasonable price (not looking to spend much on a car due to only being here for another 6ish months. At the moment I'm hanging in with an MX73 Cressida, which while is a nice tidy old car with a bit of Japanese character, at 511,000kms she is getting a bit tired and is not the most frugal thing out there (talking petrol, oil, transmission fluid and rego). I'm torn between keeping it and just bearing with it for the next 6 months or bite the bullet and spend a few thousand upgrading and hope like heck I can get most of that back when it comes time to leave!

chebry, Nov 22, 8:00pm
Look tradein I could write what you know about cars on the head of a pin with a 6 inch paintbrush you know NOTHING, about cars in general and Xsaras in particular, so back under your rock like a good little troll and let those that know help those that dont

chebry, Nov 22, 8:07pm
I had a 406 with 2.1 diesel went like a big bullet could eat any 6 from 100kmh on, passing a Btrain could see 150kmh going past the cab in 4th and it would pull to 4500 in top from idle at 900 and with straight thru mufflers it did 1200kms per tank 70 litres

phillip.weston, Nov 22, 8:11pm
yeah my last 406 was a 2.0 petrol auto and seemed to go well enough. Nice and soft in its ride but still re-assuring and sure-footed when you throw it into the corners. The Japanese (at least the others in this class and era) just haven't got there in terms of ride quality and handling - they're either too stiff and crashy through the bumps or way too soft and nausea inducing through the corners.

There is a nice Xantia 2.1 5spd diesel just down the road from me but they aren't selling!

chebry, Nov 22, 8:19pm
Those apparently are good but without the tall bodywork they are way better very well tuned chassis with passive rear steer a modified 306 Puegeot platform, Semperit Irish motoring writers 98 COTY I have a 1905 diesel it goes far better than most people realise and no real problems since I bought it and 5L/100kms, Ignore intrade hes almost a special needs case his posts never make sense.

chebry, Nov 22, 8:22pm
Take it for a spin they drive real well equivalent to the 2.0turbo petrol model for performance BUT the engines grenade easily and expensively awesome to drive while running they are quick but avoid the 2.1

chebry, Nov 22, 8:31pm
I ran a 73 MK2 Corona had the MX Crown motor with auto it used to suck the gas but on the Huon valley outlet road nothing passed it on the hills shoulda brung that one back.

doctor_evil99, Nov 22, 8:52pm
whatever it is never touch a C5 or a 407. I had both of those before and they are like having a mistress. soon or later it will cost you dearly!
yes, I live and work on Northside of Brisbane.boys still adjusting to the heat.!
PS. I owned a 2002 Picasso HDi for 14 months - great car and dirt cheap to run.