Just went to use carjam

gypsypom, Nov 22, 7:25am
and it looks like you have to pay now, is there a similar site to get free info on cars, or is that it

rpee, Nov 22, 7:27am
You get 3 free checks on cars a month on carjam !

gypsypom, Nov 22, 7:30am
cheers thanks

supernova2, Nov 22, 8:03am
I tried it myself this afternoon.They have changed the layout yet again and the info provided now is next to useless.

franc123, Nov 22, 8:32am
You need to be a signed up member to get the free lookups.Why they keep progressively (and unsuccessfully) fiddling with the layout is anyones guess.

mugenb20b, Nov 22, 10:21am
Job creation for no hopers.

supernova2, Nov 22, 8:51pm
Perhaps they use same programmers as Novapay!

poppajn, Nov 22, 10:03pm
You have,nt used it for awhile then; have you!