chebry wrote: You take people writing on a message board as gospel maybe if these'propblems' were widespread Im sure recalls would have been issued by now from Toyota and the fault repaired if of course the fault actually exists outside your mind
giveit up dude they are dodgy
Nov 24, 2:57pm
google finds enough eveidnce that these are one of the worts creation toyota made possibile even beat mitsubishi.
Nov 24, 2:58pm
here is the first one i found with google!t=4143 Known issues with copper/aluminium injector seals - warranty extended to 5 yrs in some cases Replacement engines fitted @ toyota expense.
Nov 24, 2:58pm
here is the first one i found with google!t=4143 Known issues with copper/aluminium injector seals - warranty extended to 5 yrs in some cases Replacement engines fitted @ toyota expense.
Nov 24, 3:00pm
comon splinter . here is some tweezers for your splinter.
Nov 24, 3:02pm
Dude injector problems arnt blown up engines own goal to intrade next one btw they where all in the uk and france not NZ
Nov 24, 3:07pm
Got any more intrade shall I pull up the faults for vws and fiats but I cant put up that much info as it will crash the site
Nov 24, 3:08pm
comon intrade ya flashlube aint gunna fix this one
Nov 24, 3:09pm
from above forum cut and pasted. Both problems seem to be with pre 08 3.0 litre Diesels, anything made 08 onwards should have uprated injectors and aluminium sealing washers, however the problems are not really connected.
END paste
So the 08 myght have uprated injectors i am pritty sure what these are , they are the DLC coated injectors whom can operate on ulsd fuel without premature wear from insufficient lubrication of todays diesel.
Nov 24, 3:11pm
The multitudes of Toyota van and utes I see in use everyday dont seem to suffer from this problem in fact its unheard of
Nov 24, 3:13pm
yes it will prevent distruction of the injectors . you got to use flashlube for injector destruction, not the copper washersthats a boogy from toyota to fit wrong washers. but you only got 2 options . 1 flashlube in every tank of diesel with old style injectors or 2 upgrade to dlc diamnod like coating fuel injectors that can run on low sulfur fuel without premature wear. cut and pasted from anotherforum i just found i know these things just have to find on the net who else has figured it already to post for you. paste start below------> So I went to "westend deisel" who actually know what there talking about and got DLCs in it,problem solved.$2900 later. Go to a good deisel specialist and get them to put Denso DLC injectors in it,and recode them. Mine is like new again. Have a read of for more info on it. A lot more things to look out for too. <--------- end paste
Nov 24, 3:13pm
yes it will prevent distruction of the injectors . you got to use flashlube for injector destruction, not the copper washersthats a boogy from toyota to fit wrong washers. but you only got 2 options . 1 flashlube in every tank of diesel with old style injectors or 2 upgrade to dlc diamnod like coating fuel injectors that can run on low sulfur fuel without premature wear. cut and pasted from anotherforum i just found i know these things just have to find on the net who else has figured it already to post for you. paste start below------> So I went to "westend deisel" who actually know what there talking about and got DLCs in it,problem solved.$2900 later. Go to a good deisel specialist and get them to put Denso DLC injectors in it,and recode them. Mine is like new again. Have a read of for more info on it. A lot more things to look out for too. <--------- end paste found from this forum
Nov 24, 3:13pm
yes it will prevent distruction of the injectors . you got to use flashlube for injector destruction, not the copper washersthats a boogy from toyota to fit wrong washers. but you only got 2 options . 1 flashlube in every tank of diesel with old style injectors or 2 upgrade to dlc diamnod like coating fuel injectors that can run on low sulfur fuel without premature wear. cut and pasted from anotherforum i just found i know these things just have to find on the net who else has figured it already to post for you. paste start below------> So I went to "westend deisel" who actually know what there talking about and got DLCs in it,problem solved.$2900 later. Go to a good deisel specialist and get them to put Denso DLC injectors in it,and recode them. Mine is like new again. Have a read of for more info on it. A lot more things to look out for too. <--------- end paste found from this forum
Nov 24, 3:13pm
So where is all these blowups your going on about where are the links or isnt google your friend today
Nov 24, 3:16pm
Google eyed drama queens , A little bit of knowledge & a whole load of wrong conclusions in the wrong untrainedhands !. Just like manyso called mechanics around town here are totallyfu##d without google! And feed off those who really do know what they are on about !
Nov 24, 3:16pm
na its you with your eyes sewn shut lol
Nov 24, 3:17pm
you do relies your using a message board as fact hmm thats like using this board as facts lol
Nov 24, 3:23pm
You take people writing on a message board as gospel maybe if these'propblems' were widespread Im sure recalls would have been issued by now from Toyota and the fault repaired if of course the fault actually exists outside your mind
Nov 24, 3:36pm
Those who I'm talking about have poor retentive memory & psychologically depend on Google for answersandthis is where the problem lies. sitting on theirrrrrswasting time& $$ looking for answers.
Nov 24, 3:40pm
Hate to tell you but the injectors were a huge issue for toyota, with large numbers replaced when they found out that the reprogramme they hoped would fix it was not working. I worked for toyota during this period, they tried very hard to keep it as quiet as possible
Nov 24, 3:50pm
Yes we all know about the injector problems if you look at the other diesel thread the flashlube salesman said that d4s blow up this is where the problem is as I did 400ks in my one no problems apart from an alternator or 2 not an injector problem in site could it be we have different diesel in Hawkes Bay
Nov 24, 4:04pm
splinter what year is yours! and have you had it from new!
Nov 24, 4:09pm
06 and yes like all the other couirer vans around none of them blew up freightways where getting a fleet discount for them and there drivers own heaps of these so called hand grenade d4s
Btw still used as a front line van
Nov 24, 4:13pm
hmm i wonder if toyota fixed the issue on the production line so some good some bad went out . as above the problem is real and toyota have had loads more problem they only recall if every last one of em has faults like this.
hmm i wonder if toyota fixed the issue on the production line so some good some bad went out . as above the problem is real and toyota have had loads more problem they only recall if every last one of em has faults like this.
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