Advice potential car purchace please

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jmma, Nov 28, 5:03am
Wouldn't touch the civic, a youngster has had his hands on that (o:

Also, what is your use for it, kids, trips etc !

a.woodrow, Nov 28, 5:04am
The daewoo is a death trap, very much built to a price. even though the honda is much older, you'd find it a much nicer drive

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:04am
how can you tell! I never would have picked that . thanks

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:05am
.the honda youngster thing

a.woodrow, Nov 28, 5:06am
the pod filter on the engine

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:07am
the car is for me (female adult) just for around town mostly but in Dunedin so has to be able to get up hills! and occasionally go to ch-ch
have a budget of 2500 :(

jmma, Nov 28, 5:08am
Yes, the engine air filter is a give away (o:

So what are your needs and budget!

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:10am
thanks so much, really apprecite it

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:11am
see above, feeling anxious

jmma, Nov 28, 5:11am
Not much around for that money, wouldn't hurt to have a look at the Daewo.
It appears well looked after,

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:13am
ok, ill ask to view/drive I was worried about an auto and are the k's to high or is that ok!

a.woodrow, Nov 28, 5:14am
Gutless and death trappy, badly bought together, cheap for a reason. I wouldn't allow my family to travel in one

jmma, Nov 28, 5:15am
Fair enough, the one you sorted out looks reasonable, worth a look.

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:15am
yea I thought it will be cheap to run etc. I could see if my local garage could look it, heard that AA testing is not so reliable!

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:17am
.wish you guys lived in Dunedin :)

a.woodrow, Nov 28, 5:17am
Those km's wouldn't worry me, it's just a toyota corona dressed up for a night on the town. very reliable, fairly economical and parts are cheap, take to a garage and get it checked over for peace of mind.

jmma, Nov 28, 5:17am
Yes, local garage is better than AA. Forget the daewo and have a look at the Toyota, the Km's are nothing on one of those.

icemans1, Nov 28, 5:17am
i wouldn't touch a daewoo or a honda, i'd go toyota or nissan

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:18am
ok think i'll give it a miss, its been on for ages too (probably a reason for that :))

xpfairmont, Nov 28, 5:19am
The daewoo! It's got a good handbrake

icemans1, Nov 28, 5:20am
AA are more interested in pointing out dents and scratches rather than pointing out mechanical issues.

jmma, Nov 28, 5:20am
Nah, they just tilted the pictures (o:

icemans1, Nov 28, 5:21am

jmma, Nov 28, 5:22am
Hey, there's a Lady in the thread (o;

butterfly2041, Nov 28, 5:22am
dahhhh ok ive got the message on the dawoo lol :)