My take on 'Cornering tips to preserve tyre life' is. Who the hell cares!!
Dec 2, 8:47pm
Just drive smooth. Also if you are interested, don't buy new tyres off the rack, if you can let them harden up over say a year then put them on.
Dec 2, 8:58pm
I was taught to brake prior to the corner , changegear&accelerate gentlyaround the corner & take thestraightest line trough itwithout crossing centre line . Dont know if it extends life of tyresthough .
Dec 2, 10:24pm
In theory, a well designed and constructed road corner traveled at the design speed should balance the effects of gravity and centrifugal force force so that the down-force on the vehicle is perpendicular to the surface of the road. meaning there is no additional sideways friction compared to driving a straight section of road.
Dec 3, 1:43am
Run a consistant pressure and use a tire tread gauge to measure tread depth over time. If your centre tread goes shorter thsn the outer tread, your over inflated. If it wears even across the tread, your pressue is good.
Dec 3, 2:39am
drive the corners like you have a cup full of scalding coffee gripped between your thighs
Dec 3, 3:17am
that is indeed slowly, I have been there, done that
Dec 3, 3:32am
Eeeerrr. yes.try explaining that little pearl of automotive wisdom to a NASCAR driver!
Dec 3, 3:58am
may have been the case 20 or 30 years ago when you put them in storage to continue curing- todays tyres are made to be used straight away - different compounds
Dec 3, 4:20am
cornering or not, think ahead, don??
Dec 3, 5:32am
Take the bus.
Dec 3, 10:51am
my take on this post,who the hell cares!
Dec 3, 12:07pm
The person that HAS to PAY for the next set of tyres.
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