Strong Water Stains on Glass - How to Remove?

aviator02, Dec 13, 1:22pm
Hi Guys/Gals,

I have these really strong set water stains on the outside of my windows, have been there ever since i bought the car and just recently I've been trying to get rid of them and am struggling. I've tried meths, glass cleaner, white vinegar and the only thing that i can do that seems to work but takes a long time and is so strenuous is cut and polishing the windows. Does anyone have any ideas how to get these marks off!

intrade, Dec 13, 1:25pm
i doubt its water stain. you can use car polish watter rubbing compound and a cloth. you sure its not in between the layer of the glass on front screen!

aviator02, Dec 13, 1:29pm
The windscreens fine, but down both sides, the rear window and the mirrors all have these marks, its like when you don't dry your windows after washing but its very very hard set and has to be cut away. I may just have to cut and polish them its just a very lengthy process.

trade4us2, Dec 13, 1:44pm
The ideal product for polishing glass is Cerium Oxide. Don't breathe it in.
I made a leather disk and used a power drill, although polishing by hand with a rag is probably enough. It's very slow work.

elect70, Dec 13, 7:56pm
Novus guysoldme bottleof Sparkle,had same thing , dirtydried waterspots, just like jewelers rouge ,rub onlet dry & rub offvigorouslyexcellentresultmay need2 applicationsif its very bad .